Jes Extender Exposed - Does Penis Enlargement Work?
You can wear it while you sleep or under your clothes during theday.
There is no need to have anuncomfortable visit with your doctor.
Itis however not something that can be prescribed by the doctor.
Expected Results! After wearing the device for only a couple of weeks, menhave found outstanding results.
Theaverage increase in length is 3 inches.
However, the results increase as the man uses the device.
Not only does the extender increase yourpenis size, but it also makes the penis thicker.
You will feel much more confident by having alarger penis.
The size will increaseyour sex life with your lover and give you more confidence in the bedroom.
How It Works! The basic theory behind the Extenders is the ability tostretch the penis in size.
There are nopumps or pills involved with the extender.
The device simply applies a consistent pressure to the penis by usingthe natural stretching muscles embedded in the penis.
As the skin cells are stretched and divided,new tissue is formed.
Tribes often usethe same stretching mechanisms to stretch their skin.
Elongated necks and spoon sized lips are allsigns of elite status among tribal members.
What You Should Avoid! Certain pumps and herbal supplements have been on the marketfor as long as the Jes Extender.
However, they have not given the same positive results as theextender.
There have been much criticismabout penis enlargement devices.
Certain doctors have tried to prove that it causes harm to one's erectilefunction.
Take the tribal stretching techniques for example.
If it were harmful, they would not conductthe bodily stretching as religious acts.
What's The Risk! The Jes Extender is backed by a guarantee.
They require you to wear the extender for acertain amount of time before you decide that you are not perfectly happy withthe product.
They are certain that youwill be delighted with the results.
Themain key is to wear the extender on a regular basis for as long as possible.
The product has recently became verypopular since the device has been updated.
But the product has actually been on the market for around 12 years.
Several companies have tried to make a mockup version of the extender.
The resultsof the copy cat versions are not as positive and successful as the real JesExtender.