ElectricityDominating The Skyline Of Modern World
Human beings have made some remarkable developments in recent past. Behind all these developments, science and technology has played an instrumental role. Had men not discovered and realized the immense potential, science had, they might be lacking way behind. However, they dared to experiment. They plunged into an unknown territory. Even though they were simply known about the consequences, yet this did not deter their spirits. With such energetic and enthusiastic efforts, men have made some of the most major impact in the field of technology. One of the major role players amidst all these development is in fact, electricity.
So how can we define electricity? It can be said, it's nothing but a term which includes several phenomena taking place within it. This mainly results from the presence and flow of static flow of electric charge. However, in general usage, the word electricity might refer to a number of physical changes, which take place. While, from scientific point of view, the term expands a lot more. It's kind of vague. Electricity might usually point towards, electric charge, electric current, electric field, Electric potential and electromagnetism.
The most common use of the word electricity is however, less precise. It is used to define electric power, which is provided commercially by the electrical power industry. From the most common and a layman's point of view, electricity is the prime source of power. Well, this very view holds enough water though.
Ever since, electricity has been made commercially and publicly available, people have witnessed a sort of mass revolution taking place. Certain tasks which required menial or manual assistance, was easily done just within a few minutes. Though machines were invented and were widely in use, yet people could not reap its benefits properly. The reason was lack of electricity or electric power.
With the gradual passage of time, the supply and generation of electricity has improved dramatically, in its availability and scope as well. Contemporary age rarely faces power cuts and disruptions. This has made people enjoy the features and benefits of electricity in a more intense and comfortable manner.