Keurig Is Not Wasteful
Coffee Drinkers unite !
Keurig's goal is to share a better "planet" by keeping up on all the environmental issues that companies face today.
In one of their statements:
As a company, we are committed to responsible business practices that are achievable, sustainable and inspiring. We would like to share what we at Keurig, Incorporated are achieving in cooperation with
GMCR to brew a better world€¦for both gourmet coffee lovers and lovers of best practices in corporate responsibility.
Recently I been reading where some people believe Keurig is putting too much trash with the K-cups, and although I am not a spokesperson for Keurig, I believe that they are well within guidelines of any
EPA Issues. Keurig does allocate 5% of profits, before taxes, to social and environmental projects locally and globally. They use Biodiesel in their route trucks and they added solar energy to their top facility and distribution center.
The challenge with Keurig (and they admit it as well) is to provide a recyclable portion pack (K-Cup) that would provide an extraordinary cup of coffee, but as of today, they are actively seeking this challenge.
These K-Cup Portion packs need to prevent oxygen, light and moisture to enter the k-cup and that barrier needs to be set for a fresh cup of coffee. Without these features the quality and freshness would be
a major issue, and with the k-cup, there are companies such as Folgers, Dunkin Donuts and more who are now onboard, and I do not think Keurig wants to depreciate and downgrade the level of freshness
to these other companies k-cup's. The promise has to be to keep the k-cups fresh, and the coffee at a supreme quality.
As recent as September 2010, Keurig has created a portion pack now, that is made with paper and it is renewable. But, it still holds 10% polyethylene (PE) layer which does prevent the entire k-cup when
finished to be considered non-biodegradable.
I've been on this planet since 1957, and I understand the concerns (although overboard) for the environment - but on a major scale, I think the red tape of the green world is a bit overboard. But that's my opinion, and not Keurigs.
A possible solution for all parties?
I believe its possible to think outside the box on this and not only Keurig can make extra profits, but they also can please everyone on both sides of the green issue, and those in the middle as well.
Here's how:
Did you know used coffee grounds make great food for worms? Did you know a worm's waste is the best resource for creating organic soil? . Did you also know that you can make your own earthworm bin and create organic soil from just chopping up your k-cups and throwing them into an earth worm bin? That's great for the environment!
I suggest any coffee company use the idea of used coffee grounds as a form of food to feed worms, which in turn create the drippings that make the organic soil. Now for Keurig, maybe they can start a side
business by creating "Keurig Soil" using the k-cup remains. Is it possible to give a bit back for any k-cup returned - like returns on glass bottles for soda. It would take allot of coordination and effort, but in the long run , it probably would keep all parties happy, as the k-cup is returned, instant rebates take place at certain stores, the cups are returned to Keurig, where they can create Organic Soil (vermicomposting) and properly dispose of the 10% plastic found in their k-cups.
Could be a Win-Win.
Keurig's goal is to share a better "planet" by keeping up on all the environmental issues that companies face today.
In one of their statements:
As a company, we are committed to responsible business practices that are achievable, sustainable and inspiring. We would like to share what we at Keurig, Incorporated are achieving in cooperation with
GMCR to brew a better world€¦for both gourmet coffee lovers and lovers of best practices in corporate responsibility.
Recently I been reading where some people believe Keurig is putting too much trash with the K-cups, and although I am not a spokesperson for Keurig, I believe that they are well within guidelines of any
EPA Issues. Keurig does allocate 5% of profits, before taxes, to social and environmental projects locally and globally. They use Biodiesel in their route trucks and they added solar energy to their top facility and distribution center.
The challenge with Keurig (and they admit it as well) is to provide a recyclable portion pack (K-Cup) that would provide an extraordinary cup of coffee, but as of today, they are actively seeking this challenge.
These K-Cup Portion packs need to prevent oxygen, light and moisture to enter the k-cup and that barrier needs to be set for a fresh cup of coffee. Without these features the quality and freshness would be
a major issue, and with the k-cup, there are companies such as Folgers, Dunkin Donuts and more who are now onboard, and I do not think Keurig wants to depreciate and downgrade the level of freshness
to these other companies k-cup's. The promise has to be to keep the k-cups fresh, and the coffee at a supreme quality.
As recent as September 2010, Keurig has created a portion pack now, that is made with paper and it is renewable. But, it still holds 10% polyethylene (PE) layer which does prevent the entire k-cup when
finished to be considered non-biodegradable.
I've been on this planet since 1957, and I understand the concerns (although overboard) for the environment - but on a major scale, I think the red tape of the green world is a bit overboard. But that's my opinion, and not Keurigs.
A possible solution for all parties?
I believe its possible to think outside the box on this and not only Keurig can make extra profits, but they also can please everyone on both sides of the green issue, and those in the middle as well.
Here's how:
Did you know used coffee grounds make great food for worms? Did you know a worm's waste is the best resource for creating organic soil? . Did you also know that you can make your own earthworm bin and create organic soil from just chopping up your k-cups and throwing them into an earth worm bin? That's great for the environment!
I suggest any coffee company use the idea of used coffee grounds as a form of food to feed worms, which in turn create the drippings that make the organic soil. Now for Keurig, maybe they can start a side
business by creating "Keurig Soil" using the k-cup remains. Is it possible to give a bit back for any k-cup returned - like returns on glass bottles for soda. It would take allot of coordination and effort, but in the long run , it probably would keep all parties happy, as the k-cup is returned, instant rebates take place at certain stores, the cups are returned to Keurig, where they can create Organic Soil (vermicomposting) and properly dispose of the 10% plastic found in their k-cups.
Could be a Win-Win.