Relationships and Dating - What Are They Doing Now?
When you both are at work you are constantly emailing each other or doing the instant messaging thing.
When you go on your break you start texting each other.
Then comes lunch time.
Luckily you both work in the same proximity so you get together.
Yes the two of you always have a great time; you don't eat much but you still have a great time nonetheless.
Then it's back to work for more texting, messaging and emailing.
Finally the work day is over and the two of you get together for more fun and excitement.
But it doesn't stop there.
After your date is over the two of you retreat back to your respective computers for more (you guessed it) messaging texting and emailing.
And tomorrow the routine starts all over again It all looks and sounds so wonderful in the beginning days of the dating relationship but sometimes too much of a good thing within a short period of time can turn a relationship sour.
No one plans to break up but the lack of breathing room has collapsed many a couple who vowed endless love to each other.
There are several reasons for this turnabout 1.
Information Overload It's like eating your favorite food.
In the beginning you cannot get enough of it but after awhile you eat so much that you get sick of it.
Emailing, phoning, texting and all the rest may be cute during the beginning and even the middle periods of the dating relationship but too much on a constant basis is just asking for trouble.
Time It has a way of rubbing the glow off any relationship.
Not so much the love and respect which should hopefully always be there but the infatuation and rush of emotions seem to subside after awhile.
Some people may say all the more reason to front load the process since time has a tendency to strip away the magic.
That's true to an extent but time can also give you the perception of things crowding in on you which creates undue stress.
This can go for anything including your dating relationship.
Resentment Your date thought it was so cute in the beginning.
Not anymore.
It's not that they have discussed it with you but their responses to your flood of communication are not as quick as they used to be.
It could be that things have come up and they are busy taking care of business.
Sometimes it's the other side.
Your constant interruptions start them to thinking you are just checking up on them.
In other words you are not doing anything but spying and maybe trying to control them.
It's been known to happening.
There is no other way to get to know one another except by maintaining contact.
But in this life there is unfortunately something called "too much of a good thing.
" As strongly as you feel about your dating partner the best thing you can do to make sure the relationship grows is to show some restraint and give the other person ample breathing room.