When to Plant Grass In SC?
- Climate is a key factor in deciding which types of grass to plant. The most common varieties of grass grown throughout South Carolina are centipedegrass, Bermudagrass, perennial ryegrass, bahiagrass and zoysia. However carpetgrass and St. Augustine grass types are typically planted in the coastal cities of the state because they are adaptable to moist conditions. Each is considered a warm season grass.
In the cooler inland areas of South Carolina, tall fescue, fine fescue, bentgrass and Kentucky bluegrass are often planted. Each of these varieties is a cool season grass. - The SC grass planting schedule depends on the type of grass you are growing. Late spring and early summer are the best times to plant warm season grass. The soil temperature needs to be over 70 degrees F., which generally occurs when daytime temperatures sustain 80 degrees F. and above. Once planted, this type of lawn grass thrives in the summer, goes dormant after the first frost and slowly becomes green again in the spring.
Early fall is the ideal time to plant cool season grass. The soil temperature must be 50 to 65 degrees F., which is usually when daytime temperatures reach between 60 and 75 degrees F. Lawns seeded with this type of grass grow well in the spring and fall, stay green in the winter and have less active growth in the summer months.
Both warm and cool season grasses can be planted as seeds, sod, plugs or sprigs. Seeds are the most cost effective and provide quick, even coverage. Sod, which is sold in strips, is also a fast way to achieve a lawn without waiting for seeds to grow. Some grasses are sold as plugs or sprigs because they are unable to produce seeds that germinate. - Once your new lawn grass is planted, it requires some basic care in order for it to grow and remain healthy year round. Following the watering requirements for your grass type is a critical factor for maintaining a lush lawn. Seeds typically need frequent light waterings several times a day. As the seedlings grow, daily waterings are less, but longer.
Depending on your soil, you may need to fertilize your lawn so it receives the proper nutrients to maintain growth. Fertilization is a must if you grow your lawn from seeds. Fertilize within six to eight weeks after new seedlings appear.
When your new grass is 50 percent over the height you prefer, it can be mowed. Continue on a mowing schedule that ensures that less than 50 percent of the height is removed each time.