Retail Design Salaries
- Based on data found in 2008-2009, the average salary of a retail designer was $112,527. SW Salary discovered this amount by analyzing data reported by professionals currently working in the field. The company also sent out surveys to companies and organizations across the country and used the answers to those questions for their data. This includes smaller companies as well as larger organizations that use retail designers.
- The median salary of a retail designers is significantly different from the average salary and comes in at $112,527 as of 2009. Average salaries are determined by taking the total amount of salaries reported and dividing that by the total number of salaries. Median salary is determined by identifying the exact middle of the salaries, meaning that more people make more than the median and more make less than the median.
- The lowest percentage of people working as a retail designer earned approximately $92,684 a year based on 2009 data. This applies to the lowest 25 percent of people currently working in the field. This is generally considered those new to the field and entry-level position. Many of those people working today in this percentage are those just out of school and those without any real world experience.
- Keep in mind that the more experience you have, the more money you will make. This includes any internships or work completed in the field during college. Employers look for workers who previously worked for architecture firms and retail design firms or any type of design firm. Employers are also more likely to pay more if you have experience in the software used in the job such as Microsoft Word and AutoCAD.
- You should also consider that the average salary of a retail designer often includes any benefits provided by the company. A good example of this is health, dental or vision insurance, which is typically listed as part of the overall salary. The average salary also includes other benefits such as sick days and paid vacation days. Your salary may also include perks of the job such as a company car, free tickets to attractions or sporting events and use of a company jet.