Search engine optimization tip- Plus 11 More FREE SEO Tips Just To Get You Started-ENJOY
Search Engine Optimization Tip-Find Out Exactly What Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Is RIGHT NOW?
Search Engine Optimization commonly known as (SEO). It the method used to get your blogs / articles /websites / ranked in the search engines, ones such as Google, Yahoo etc, this is done mainly by using relevant targeted keyword.
What is a Keyword(KW)?
When you are looking for something on the internet you usually type in word that is relevant to that, this is what is commonly known as a KW. This is why it is very important for you to use targeted keywords so you get relevant visitors.
Search Engine Optimization Tips: Below is a list of 10 thing that you will have to know about SEO in order to move up in the rankings. There are many more but these are the most important ones that will make a difference almost immediately.
Search Engine Optimization Tip -Learn Every Thing There Is To Know About The Other 10 Tips Below.
- Link building from your website or lenses
- Meta Tags and their importance
- Relevant placing of Header Tags
- Relevant Content for articles and website
- Keywords and the importance of relevant, and good KW research
- Title Tag where they need to be place for maximum effect
- Alt Attributes on images
- Title Attributes on Links
- XML Site maps
- Social Media
- All in 1 SEO pack how it works, and how to in-store it
- A Few SEO thing we advise not to do - Flash and Splash
Learning the basic of at least the top 5 applications in the above list will increase your page ranking results immensely, there is no point spending hours designing a web page, or writing articles that are not search engine optimised friendly, after all Google does have the last say.
Last search engine optimization tip - If you think the 11 tips above where better than the initial 1 that you asked for, imagine what you could do with another 11 more just like them? Play in the big boys pool, do not waste your time playing in the toddlers pool.