Chemicals to Avoid in Household Cleaning Products
- Environmental Protection Agency research has shown that indoor air pollution is up to 10 times higher than outdoor and 150 chemicals found in the home are linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological disorders. Household cleaners are the leading cause of poisoning of children (bleach is second) according to Poison Control. Cases of asthma have increased by 600 percent since 1980 and the Canadian Lung Association and the Asthma Society of Canada identify common household cleaners and cosmetics as triggers. More and more attention is being paid to avoiding toxins in household cleaning products.
- Formaldehyde is extremely toxic substance which affects the body's neurological connectors. It is found in standard cleaning products and air fresheners. Some of the possible consequences of inhaling, absorbing (through the skin) or ingesting formaldehyde are ear infections, headaches, depression, fatigue, asthma, joint pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbances, laryngitis and cancer.
- Phenol is a very caustic chemical which burns the skin. Breathing in or absorbing phenol can lead to central nervous system damage, heart-rate irregularities, kidney and liver damage, pneumonia, respiratory tract infections, skin irritation, numbness and vomiting. Phenol can be found in all-purpose cleaners, detergents, furniture polish and disinfectants.
- Ammonia is a compound formed with mercury, silver and gold oxides. It is corrosive and reacts violently with acid, strong oxidants and halogens. It also attacks copper, aluminum, zinc and their alloys. Over-exposure (too much inhalation) can harm the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Inhalation of high concentrations may cause lung oedema (excess fluid in the lungs). Ammonia can be found in window cleaners, polishing waxes, drain cleaners, toilet cleaners, bathroom cleaners, multi-surface cleaners, glass cleaners, and oven cleaners.
- Bleach irritates the eyes, skin and the respiratory tract from inhaling the gasses. Inhaling bleach can cause pulmonary odema and vomiting. Ingesting it can result in coma. Mixing bleach with other cleaners can result in bloody noses, neurological disorders, headaches and even death.
- Chlorine is commonly added to dish-washing detergents. Exposure to chlorine has also been inked to breast cancer. The number one cause of household poisoning is dish detergent. If swallowed it is corrosive, canpermanently damage the mouth and throat and can prove to be fatal.