Mugwort aka Black Sage use and History
Mugwort is also considered a garden pest and is found in abundance In European countries, Asia and the Northern part of America. The herb is more popular for treating women related problems, particularly in menstrual regulations and aiding through menopause. The leaves and stems of the plants are used for deriving medicinal benefits and acts in many ways, to aid in better digestion, stimulating the uterine, regulating irregular menstrual cycles and more.
Mugwort is a tall plant with dark green leaves and red and yellow flowers. It grows quite frequently along the hedges and needs a regular trim. Although, it is different from Common Wormwood, both of them look- alike and are known synonymous by each other's name. The leaves have a smell that is pungent and is found more commonly on wastelands and near the riverbanks. Apart from Europe and Asia, the plant is also found growing profusely in North Carolina and Virginia.
Mugwort has been known about for centuries due to its curative properties. The plant has traveled across various cultures and various tribes and is still abundantly used all over the world. The oldest recorded use of the plant came to be known as a magical herb used by The Druids and the Anglo-Saxon tribes and was considered sacred considering its metaphysical properties. The primary use of the herb was to protect the travelers and conduct rites related to fertility. It was also known to be used by the indigenous Native Americans to invite positive energy and get rid of the negative one. Another primitive use of this herb can be traced back to the use of its fibers by the acupuncturists on certain energy meridians that helped in bringing out a number of remedies.
Mugwort was and is still considered a sacred herb due to its mystical properties. The herb has been used to help clear the mind of negative energy while protecting and healing from unknown agents. It can be used to work on dreams and it is often considered that if someone keeps the sprigs of the plant under the pillow, it will help clear out the dreams and dissuade the negative energy from coming again and again. The plant is often considered having associated with Full Moon and Summer Solstice and is used in various rituals.
We already know a lot about Mugworts history and background and it's claimed mystical properties now, it can also be said that there is absolutely no doubt why it was considered so sacred by the Druids. The healing properties of Black Sage are immense, but one should keep in mind to always take the correct dose of it. It is recommended not to use this plant during pregnancy or while breastfeeding child. In fact many people are allergic to it and they should keep away from it to prevent any kind of skin reactions.
Never ingest, smoke or use a herbal product without first consulting a health care professional.