Stock Market Investment Software – Discover Its Potential
Let me ask you something: Are you like most people either new to investing in the stock market or have been investing for a while without any real success? Does it seem like you are always buying in at the top, because that is when you were informed to do so by market analyst who were looking to get out of the trade, then when you sell? Well, you either sell at a loss or you hold on waiting for that one moment hoping the stock will return to the value at which you purchased it.
You know this scenario is all too common in the stock market these days, I have been there myself. This is why I was excited when I found a guy who once was in the middle of the game and for lack of a better word, he got tired of the Wall Street's tactics. So he quite his job and is now out to help the little guy, you and I, become successful stock analysis traders.
Before I go in to what this software can do for you, let me give you a little back ground history of who Shawn Lucas (the creator of this trading software) is and what makes him so noteworthy. Shawn has authored about sixteen books and studies on the use of technical and economic analysis in stocks, options, and futures trading. He has been all over the world training and consulting to various companies and individuals on the art and science of financial analysis and was a speaker at the MetaStock Conference in 2009.
What Software Are We Talking About?:
This software is called "ProForm Robot" and it is what every stock trader wishes they had access to. A non bias software program that lets you know which stocks to buy and then when to sell. How does this work you might be asking yourself? It is programed to scan the entire stock market and advise you on when to buy and when to sell.
Instead of spending hours online reading newspapers, ProForm stock trading software gathers all the information you need and puts it at your fingertips. The product is easy-to-use and allows you to make educated decisions, giving you maximized results.
What ProForm Robot is NOT:
ProForm is not your average stock broker that is out to make as many trades as he or she can. Have you ever wondered why your broker is always so excited to jump out of one trade and in to a new one? The reason is, stock brokers get paid when they place a trade. They get a commission on each stock trade transaction. So the more trades they can produce in any given day the more money they make over the course of a month or year. The down side is, you the investor, have a hard time making money because all your money is tied up in trading fees and commissions. This is not the way to trade stocks.
Now, what if I told you that ProForm's stock trading software is a way to automate this process and eliminate the broker and let you the investor take control of your money. It is not always a bad thing to move in and out of a stock, but you need to make money in the process.
What will a systems like this cost?:
The Robot software + training course is a one time cost of $47 and I would recommend having at least $500 to open an online trading account, like TD Ameritrade, or any other online investment company, to start investing with. Also, with this offer you will be part of the North American Datasource which is through MetaStock. Shawn is offering the first 60 days for free and if you want to continue it is $59 a month thereafter.
You know this scenario is all too common in the stock market these days, I have been there myself. This is why I was excited when I found a guy who once was in the middle of the game and for lack of a better word, he got tired of the Wall Street's tactics. So he quite his job and is now out to help the little guy, you and I, become successful stock analysis traders.
Before I go in to what this software can do for you, let me give you a little back ground history of who Shawn Lucas (the creator of this trading software) is and what makes him so noteworthy. Shawn has authored about sixteen books and studies on the use of technical and economic analysis in stocks, options, and futures trading. He has been all over the world training and consulting to various companies and individuals on the art and science of financial analysis and was a speaker at the MetaStock Conference in 2009.
What Software Are We Talking About?:
This software is called "ProForm Robot" and it is what every stock trader wishes they had access to. A non bias software program that lets you know which stocks to buy and then when to sell. How does this work you might be asking yourself? It is programed to scan the entire stock market and advise you on when to buy and when to sell.
Instead of spending hours online reading newspapers, ProForm stock trading software gathers all the information you need and puts it at your fingertips. The product is easy-to-use and allows you to make educated decisions, giving you maximized results.
What ProForm Robot is NOT:
ProForm is not your average stock broker that is out to make as many trades as he or she can. Have you ever wondered why your broker is always so excited to jump out of one trade and in to a new one? The reason is, stock brokers get paid when they place a trade. They get a commission on each stock trade transaction. So the more trades they can produce in any given day the more money they make over the course of a month or year. The down side is, you the investor, have a hard time making money because all your money is tied up in trading fees and commissions. This is not the way to trade stocks.
Now, what if I told you that ProForm's stock trading software is a way to automate this process and eliminate the broker and let you the investor take control of your money. It is not always a bad thing to move in and out of a stock, but you need to make money in the process.
What will a systems like this cost?:
The Robot software + training course is a one time cost of $47 and I would recommend having at least $500 to open an online trading account, like TD Ameritrade, or any other online investment company, to start investing with. Also, with this offer you will be part of the North American Datasource which is through MetaStock. Shawn is offering the first 60 days for free and if you want to continue it is $59 a month thereafter.