How the Rich Can Help America
Alternet has an article today that states the some of America's rich reject the Bush Tax Cuts - they haven't said how they feel about the Ryan tax cuts that are so much worse and that cut Medicare yet.
They reject the Tax Cuts because they don't need them and they hurt America.
Well, judging from the role model established by the Koch Brothers, here's how to be a Rich Patriotic American.
You buy the politicians with the money they've thrown at you in the Bush Tax Cuts - particularly the Republicans - and you tell them what you want them to do.
Then you wind them up and watch them do it and if they don't do it, you call them on the carpet.
The 2012 election fast approaches and all those Republican members of Congress have signed an oath not to raise taxes.
They have ALL voted for the Ryan Tax Proposal which cuts taxes on the rich to 25% and the rest of us to a bare minimum - which means that the government will have no money for things that the Republicans have already rejected like emergency funds for the recent tornado victims, flood victims, hurricane victims or you if there's a wildfire in your area that burns down your house as is currently happening in New Mexico, Arizona and Texas.
If you are an American in trouble you are out of luck.
America is the only industrialized country - and there's a growing question whether it still is an industrialized country or has already become a third world country - where the tax dollars you invest don't benefit you.
They benefit Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel and all those other countries where we have huge military bases that don't bring us a cent of income.
Did you know that we are protecting Chinese businesses abroad? As American pot holes increase, foreclosures increase and our children's education follows the downward trajectory which is planned for a population capable only of waiting tables and opening boxes at Walmarts, the rich get richer and the rest of us go to Hell in a bucket.
If the rich really want to help America, Washington has a big for sale sign on it - as does almost every state capital like Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, Ohio, Indiana - open your wallets and go get 'em.
They've already proven they will do their master's bidding - become their masters.
Better yet, if you are already a member of the uber rich club and you aren't hungry to be one (as Clinton and Obama are) become President and be the next FDR.
He was an elite who felt it was his civic duty to pay the country back for the wealth that had been given to him.
He welcomed attacks from the right.
Maybe you can buy Obama while you're at it.
He needs to raise a billion dollars for his reelection..
maybe now that the economy is double dipping he'll need 2 billion..
there's plenty of room for the patriotic rich in there along with the banks, big pharma and insurance companies.
They reject the Tax Cuts because they don't need them and they hurt America.
Well, judging from the role model established by the Koch Brothers, here's how to be a Rich Patriotic American.
You buy the politicians with the money they've thrown at you in the Bush Tax Cuts - particularly the Republicans - and you tell them what you want them to do.
Then you wind them up and watch them do it and if they don't do it, you call them on the carpet.
The 2012 election fast approaches and all those Republican members of Congress have signed an oath not to raise taxes.
They have ALL voted for the Ryan Tax Proposal which cuts taxes on the rich to 25% and the rest of us to a bare minimum - which means that the government will have no money for things that the Republicans have already rejected like emergency funds for the recent tornado victims, flood victims, hurricane victims or you if there's a wildfire in your area that burns down your house as is currently happening in New Mexico, Arizona and Texas.
If you are an American in trouble you are out of luck.
America is the only industrialized country - and there's a growing question whether it still is an industrialized country or has already become a third world country - where the tax dollars you invest don't benefit you.
They benefit Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel and all those other countries where we have huge military bases that don't bring us a cent of income.
Did you know that we are protecting Chinese businesses abroad? As American pot holes increase, foreclosures increase and our children's education follows the downward trajectory which is planned for a population capable only of waiting tables and opening boxes at Walmarts, the rich get richer and the rest of us go to Hell in a bucket.
If the rich really want to help America, Washington has a big for sale sign on it - as does almost every state capital like Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, Ohio, Indiana - open your wallets and go get 'em.
They've already proven they will do their master's bidding - become their masters.
Better yet, if you are already a member of the uber rich club and you aren't hungry to be one (as Clinton and Obama are) become President and be the next FDR.
He was an elite who felt it was his civic duty to pay the country back for the wealth that had been given to him.
He welcomed attacks from the right.
Maybe you can buy Obama while you're at it.
He needs to raise a billion dollars for his reelection..
maybe now that the economy is double dipping he'll need 2 billion..
there's plenty of room for the patriotic rich in there along with the banks, big pharma and insurance companies.