Hyperhidrosis Treatment to Change Your Life
Did you know your body has 4 million sweat glands and that most of them are in you hands, feet, face and armpits? Statistics have shown that about 3 percent of the world's population over 175 million people suffer from an excessive sweating condition called hyperhidrosis? And it is, quite often, a condition that is often inherited with several members of the same family having the condition.
These are clearly some surprising facts.
Globally, the most common form of hyperhidrosis is "Palmar Hyperhidrosis" which is constant excessive sweating in the palms of the hands.
Colloquially, this disorder is known either as "sweaty palms" or "sweaty hands".
If you are one of those who have to deal with the excessive sweating every day, you know that the condition presents a daily struggle and not only impacts your physical well-being, but it can also affect your emotional well-being, in the clothes you choose to wear, in your personal relationships and possibly even your career.
Yes, even your career! What if your job depended on your ability to carefully hold an instrument or place specific components into a part or machine? If your hands are sweating and a tool slips, what happens then? Hyperhidrosis can very easily be a debilitating problem, but it is also one that can be treated very effectively.
Over the years, medical research has shown how the Sympathetic Nerve which controls the brain's reaction to sweating can be controlled through surgery.
In s procedure called endoscopic thoracic sympathicotomy (ETS) doctors literally snip nerves to the palm, cutting off the reaction.
But this can be a painful surgery, it is expensive and all surgery carries risks of side effects.
Both topical and internal medicines have also been tried but their affect are very short lived.
To make matters worse hyperhidrosis usually is diagnosed in one's teen age years, so surgery might be too rash, and medications and creames might not work well with a teen's radical hormone changes.
But, research has shown that one treatment, Iontophoresis, can, drastically minimize the amount of sweat and people can be cured.
Iontophoresis is a non-invasive therapy that works by introducing a weak electrical charge to the sweaty hands or feet while they are in a tray of water.
Iontophoresis has been proven effective in almost all cases, often in as little as five days,
These are clearly some surprising facts.
Globally, the most common form of hyperhidrosis is "Palmar Hyperhidrosis" which is constant excessive sweating in the palms of the hands.
Colloquially, this disorder is known either as "sweaty palms" or "sweaty hands".
If you are one of those who have to deal with the excessive sweating every day, you know that the condition presents a daily struggle and not only impacts your physical well-being, but it can also affect your emotional well-being, in the clothes you choose to wear, in your personal relationships and possibly even your career.
Yes, even your career! What if your job depended on your ability to carefully hold an instrument or place specific components into a part or machine? If your hands are sweating and a tool slips, what happens then? Hyperhidrosis can very easily be a debilitating problem, but it is also one that can be treated very effectively.
Over the years, medical research has shown how the Sympathetic Nerve which controls the brain's reaction to sweating can be controlled through surgery.
In s procedure called endoscopic thoracic sympathicotomy (ETS) doctors literally snip nerves to the palm, cutting off the reaction.
But this can be a painful surgery, it is expensive and all surgery carries risks of side effects.
Both topical and internal medicines have also been tried but their affect are very short lived.
To make matters worse hyperhidrosis usually is diagnosed in one's teen age years, so surgery might be too rash, and medications and creames might not work well with a teen's radical hormone changes.
But, research has shown that one treatment, Iontophoresis, can, drastically minimize the amount of sweat and people can be cured.
Iontophoresis is a non-invasive therapy that works by introducing a weak electrical charge to the sweaty hands or feet while they are in a tray of water.
Iontophoresis has been proven effective in almost all cases, often in as little as five days,