Rash in a 15-Year-Old Female
Rash in a 15-Year-Old Female
This is a Pediatric Management Problem (PMP) designed to test your problem-solving and decision-making abilities.
Instructions: Read the PMP below. Then outline how you would assess and manage the problem. Finally, compare your rationale and decision to that listed in the shaded area.
Ana is a 15-year-old Hispanic female who presented to the clinic for evaluation of a rash. She first noticed the rash about 3 months ago. It is located on the back of her neck. She reports that it is not pruritic. She had no new exposures, such as lotions, detergents, or soap prior to the onset of this rash. Her mother has told her on several occasions that her neck looks "dirty."
Abstract and Introduction
This is a Pediatric Management Problem (PMP) designed to test your problem-solving and decision-making abilities.
Instructions: Read the PMP below. Then outline how you would assess and manage the problem. Finally, compare your rationale and decision to that listed in the shaded area.
Ana is a 15-year-old Hispanic female who presented to the clinic for evaluation of a rash. She first noticed the rash about 3 months ago. It is located on the back of her neck. She reports that it is not pruritic. She had no new exposures, such as lotions, detergents, or soap prior to the onset of this rash. Her mother has told her on several occasions that her neck looks "dirty."