Weight Gain Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy
Weight gain and pregnancy go hand-in-hand.
The only difference is some women gain less while some gain more.
A mother-to-be must pay special attention to the number of pounds she packs during pregnancy because being overweight and underweight are both undesirable conditions.
Learn how to gain weight safely during pregnancy right here.
It will also make it easier for you to shed the pounds after childbirth.
Speak to your health care provider In pregnancy, everything should be done under the guidance and supervision of your health care provider.
Irrespective of whether you are obese, overweight or underweight you should consult your health care provider or nutritionist regarding the best options for you.
They will give you tips to manage your weight effectively.
Steady weight gain Your aim should be steady weight gain.
Around 3-5 pound during the first trimester is normal.
In the second and third trimester you should expect a pound each week or 3-4 pounds per month until your delivery.
Women should consult a doctor if they observe sudden weight gain or weight loss.
Calorie intake The recommended calorie intake is an extra 300 calories per day.
For underweight women, the health care provider may recommend stepping up the calorie intake a little more.
Food choices Junk foods - fries, burgers, cookies and carbonated drinks, only add calories.
They do not supply any nutrients.
You should at this stage opt for foods that provide nutrient rich calories- A sandwich, a slice of fruit, whole grains, a glass of skimmed milk or juices fortified with nutrients.
They make healthy food choices.
They fulfill the calorie requirements while simultaneously nourishing your baby.
Avoid foods rich in sodium.
Sodium causes fluid retention and may worsen the problem of pregnancy swelling.
Meal Plans Divide the total calorie intake into smaller meals.
The three meals of the day you should take without fail are - breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Eat a healthy heavy breakfast.
Dinner should be lighter and should not contain oily greasy foods.
Keep a few snacks close at hand.
Keep a tab on your fluids In addition to what you eat, you should also pay attention to what you drink.
Many women during pregnancy increase their intake of fruit juices.
Fruit juices are good, but should be consumed in limited quantities.
Fruit juices are rich in sugars and sugars can cause excess weight gain.
Instead, you should increase your intake of water; 8-10 glasses a day.
It has fewer calories, keeps the body hydrated and also prevents Urinary Tract Infections (a common occurrence during pregnancy).
Physical activity Regular exercise will allow you to enjoy your food and will also keep your weight under check.
You should undertake at least 30 minutes of regular, light exercises.
This could include walking, swimming and yoga.
If you don't get time, aim for at least thrice a week.
You can ask your partner to join or form a group with other pregnant women.
Speak to your doctor about the exercises safe for you and your current pregnancy conditions.
No dieting When you watch the pounds piling on at such a rapid rate, it is tempting to go on a diet.
We advise you not to do so.
Reducing the calorie intake indirectly means reducing the supply of nutrients to your baby.
Thus dieting can harm your baby.
Monitor your weight gain Monitor your weight gain regularly.
If would help to know if you need to scale back or boost your calories.
Pre-pregnancy weight gain If you want to maintain a healthy weight throughout pregnancy, you should maintain a healthy BMI before conception.
Post Pregnancy Weight loss Pregnancy weight becomes the biggest concern for most expectant women.
The rate at which they put on pounds makes them wait eagerly for the day when they will be able to start working out to tone the body.
We do not recommend dieting immediately after the birth of your child.
Your baby still depends upon you for its nutrition.
The only difference is some women gain less while some gain more.
A mother-to-be must pay special attention to the number of pounds she packs during pregnancy because being overweight and underweight are both undesirable conditions.
Learn how to gain weight safely during pregnancy right here.
It will also make it easier for you to shed the pounds after childbirth.
Speak to your health care provider In pregnancy, everything should be done under the guidance and supervision of your health care provider.
Irrespective of whether you are obese, overweight or underweight you should consult your health care provider or nutritionist regarding the best options for you.
They will give you tips to manage your weight effectively.
Steady weight gain Your aim should be steady weight gain.
Around 3-5 pound during the first trimester is normal.
In the second and third trimester you should expect a pound each week or 3-4 pounds per month until your delivery.
Women should consult a doctor if they observe sudden weight gain or weight loss.
Calorie intake The recommended calorie intake is an extra 300 calories per day.
For underweight women, the health care provider may recommend stepping up the calorie intake a little more.
Food choices Junk foods - fries, burgers, cookies and carbonated drinks, only add calories.
They do not supply any nutrients.
You should at this stage opt for foods that provide nutrient rich calories- A sandwich, a slice of fruit, whole grains, a glass of skimmed milk or juices fortified with nutrients.
They make healthy food choices.
They fulfill the calorie requirements while simultaneously nourishing your baby.
Avoid foods rich in sodium.
Sodium causes fluid retention and may worsen the problem of pregnancy swelling.
Meal Plans Divide the total calorie intake into smaller meals.
The three meals of the day you should take without fail are - breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Eat a healthy heavy breakfast.
Dinner should be lighter and should not contain oily greasy foods.
Keep a few snacks close at hand.
Keep a tab on your fluids In addition to what you eat, you should also pay attention to what you drink.
Many women during pregnancy increase their intake of fruit juices.
Fruit juices are good, but should be consumed in limited quantities.
Fruit juices are rich in sugars and sugars can cause excess weight gain.
Instead, you should increase your intake of water; 8-10 glasses a day.
It has fewer calories, keeps the body hydrated and also prevents Urinary Tract Infections (a common occurrence during pregnancy).
Physical activity Regular exercise will allow you to enjoy your food and will also keep your weight under check.
You should undertake at least 30 minutes of regular, light exercises.
This could include walking, swimming and yoga.
If you don't get time, aim for at least thrice a week.
You can ask your partner to join or form a group with other pregnant women.
Speak to your doctor about the exercises safe for you and your current pregnancy conditions.
No dieting When you watch the pounds piling on at such a rapid rate, it is tempting to go on a diet.
We advise you not to do so.
Reducing the calorie intake indirectly means reducing the supply of nutrients to your baby.
Thus dieting can harm your baby.
Monitor your weight gain Monitor your weight gain regularly.
If would help to know if you need to scale back or boost your calories.
Pre-pregnancy weight gain If you want to maintain a healthy weight throughout pregnancy, you should maintain a healthy BMI before conception.
Post Pregnancy Weight loss Pregnancy weight becomes the biggest concern for most expectant women.
The rate at which they put on pounds makes them wait eagerly for the day when they will be able to start working out to tone the body.
We do not recommend dieting immediately after the birth of your child.
Your baby still depends upon you for its nutrition.