Insurance To Cover The Costs Of A Funeral
At a minimum, funeral insurance should cover the costs of the funeral service and the associated expenses. In addition, many people consider it reassuring to take advantage of the optional benefits that can be included in some funeral insurance policies.
Do I need funeral insurance?
Some of the reasons to choose funeral cover are fairly obvious. Funerals are expensive, and it is reassuring to know that in the event of a death, sufficient funds are guaranteed to be quickly paid out.
There are also other factors they may sometimes be overlooked. In the event that you or your partner dies, the attendant loss of income will affect your households finances, and possibly make it harder to meet expenses. One of the functions of funeral insurance is to compensate for the loss of income, so that funeral expenses can be paid without incurring debt.
An additional complication arises in terms of accessing money from an estate. If the deceased has outstanding debts or a complicated portfolio of properties and assets, it may be considerable amount of time before cash is available to beneficiaries.
Even if the deceaseds finances are in good order, the complexities and bureaucratic requirements of managing an estate will often mean cash is not immediately available.
Funeral insurance cover will pay a cash sum to cover the costs of a funeral upon the death of the insured, so that funeral costs can be paid without delay.
What optional funeral insurance benefits do I need?
The optional benefits you choose will depend on factors such as the number of dependents and your households financial situation. You will also need to balance the benefits of these options with your insurance budget.
Some options, like a groceries benefit, offer extended financial to beneficiaries. This way, your funeral policy will provide a financial benefit for some time after the costs of the funeral have been met.
A qualified insurance broker can help you to get the right level of cover within your budget, with the optimum balance of benefits.
Who should I cover?
If you have children, you will probably want to make sure that both you and your partner have adequate funeral cover so that, in the event that either or both of you die, your children will not have to shoulder the costs of paying for a funeral.
It is perhaps no less prudent to extend this cover to other members of your household and even to parents and parents-in-law to make sure that you do not have to struggle to pay for a funeral service and, no less important, that you are able to provide a suitably dignified funeral.
It is a good idea to discuss the costs and practicalities of comprehensive funeral cover with an experienced insurance broker.