Your Healthy Body Mass Index
A person's Body Mass Index can easily be found out by going online and searching for BMI calculators offered on the house by many health pages on the World Wide Web. If you want to do the computation manually, on the other hand, the equation is actually quite simple and can be done with a few easy steps. The first would be to list down your height in meters as well as your weight in kilograms. Next, you have to square your height. The product of the said operation will then be used to divide your weight. The result of this action is your Body Mass Index. Therefore, BMI=kg/m2. According to experts, the healthy Body Mass Index for Americans, and other nationalities which have Caucasian body types, should lay within the numbers 18 and 25. On the other hand, people with BMIs within the numbers 26 and 30 are said to be overweight, while those with Body Mass Indexes above 30 are supposedly obese and those with BMIs above 40 are already called morbidly obese. Conversely, people with Body Mass Indexes of 17 and below are known to be underweight, while those with BMIs extremely far below this number may be considered as anorexics. It must be remembered, however, that Body Mass Index should not be your sole basis in determining whether or not your body is in good physical shape. There are also other factors to take note of when it comes to doing such a task. Some of these are your age, your bone density and the percentage of your muscles as compared to your fats. Because BMIs measure your fitness on the basis of your height and weight alone, it is not always the perfect means to find out if you are indeed healthy or not.
The Body Mass Index is a helpful tool. If through it yours is not in the figures considered as optimal, it may be time to think about having a lifestyle check. Still, if you think you are indeed healthy, bear in mind the other aspects mentioned above and judge yourself from there.