How to Kill Water Mold With Baquacil
- 1). Clean the swimming pool filter using Baquacil D.E. & Cartridge Filter Cleaner or Baquacil Sand Filter Cleaner to dissolve solid debris and unplug filter grids and cartridge elements.
- 2). Observe the pool to determine its clearness. If the water is hazy and you can't see the pool bottom, broadcast according to the label directions. After 24 to 48 hours, vacuum the swimming pool to waste to remove contaminants.
- 3). Brush the swimming pool lights, ladders, hoses and skimmers to remove any attached mold.
- 4). Turn the swimming pool filter on and apply Baquacil Water Clarifier to the skimmer according to the label instructions.
- 5). Add Baquacil Flocculant to the skimmer, following the label instructions for use as a filter aid. Filter the pool continuously for 24 to 48 hours until the pool water clears.
- 6). Add the initial dose of Baquacil Oxidizer as indicated on the label.
- 7). Add Baquacil Sanitizer and Algistat until the level reaches 50 ppm.
- 8). Clean the filter with Baquacil D.E. & Cartridge Filter Cleaner or Baquacil Sand Filter Cleaner.