Hair Loss in Women - It Does Not Affect Men Only
When women suffer from hair loss it is called female pattern baldness.
This condition is very common, however misunderstood.
This is when women loose hair in a typical pattern.
This article will describe the symptoms, causes, diagnostic methods and treatment.
As previously stated, female pattern balding is the technical term for women.
Women can begin to lose their it at any age, and should be aware that it can happen to them.
Balding is not the same in women as it is men.
Although the process is the same, women are not as likely to lose as much as men do.
Men can become bald, whereas women tend to only thin or bald in spots.
Female pattern baldness symptoms include thinning over the entire head or at the hairline.
The symptoms may seem simple, but in reality they are not always noticeable.
When women experience thinning it is not usually noticed until it becomes extremely thin.
If hair is lost at the crown or hair line it is more often noticed, but frequently ignored.
Women may think their balding is a phase or that the hair will grow back.
The causes of female pattern balding are not as simple as the symptoms.
The cause of balding is not an exact science.
To understand balding you must first understand how hair grows.
Hair is likely to grow about an inch and a half per month.
Each follicle can grow anywhere from 2 to 6 years.
After it is one growing it will fall out and be replaced.
Balding takes place when it does not grow back in.
Although the reasons for balding are not exact, many physicians associate it with age, genetic predispositions, and hormones.
When diagnosing female pattern baldness a physician will normally go by appearance.
Because this is a disorder that the symptoms are visible to the eye, appearance is the best way to diagnose.
Other test can be run to see if a medical disorder is causing the loss, but as for the balding itself just looking is the best method.
Female pattern balding is a permanent disorder and is more common than you think.
Because it is permanent there is not proven method of treatment that works for everyone.
One treatment method women have tried is medication.
There is only one medication approved in the United States and the success rates are not high.
On average medication can help it grow back in 20% to 25% of women.
The other method of treatment is a transplant.
Hair transplants remove follicles from particularly thick spots and places it in follicles where balding is occurring.
Both of these methods of treatment are extremely expensive and are not guaranteed to work.
To get medication or transplants people must be preapproved and meet specific guide lines.
Before looking into medical treatments for balding a physician should be contacted.
Female pattern baldness is not common, however can occur.
Thinning of follicles should not be ignored and balding should always be taken into consideration.
This condition is very common, however misunderstood.
This is when women loose hair in a typical pattern.
This article will describe the symptoms, causes, diagnostic methods and treatment.
As previously stated, female pattern balding is the technical term for women.
Women can begin to lose their it at any age, and should be aware that it can happen to them.
Balding is not the same in women as it is men.
Although the process is the same, women are not as likely to lose as much as men do.
Men can become bald, whereas women tend to only thin or bald in spots.
Female pattern baldness symptoms include thinning over the entire head or at the hairline.
The symptoms may seem simple, but in reality they are not always noticeable.
When women experience thinning it is not usually noticed until it becomes extremely thin.
If hair is lost at the crown or hair line it is more often noticed, but frequently ignored.
Women may think their balding is a phase or that the hair will grow back.
The causes of female pattern balding are not as simple as the symptoms.
The cause of balding is not an exact science.
To understand balding you must first understand how hair grows.
Hair is likely to grow about an inch and a half per month.
Each follicle can grow anywhere from 2 to 6 years.
After it is one growing it will fall out and be replaced.
Balding takes place when it does not grow back in.
Although the reasons for balding are not exact, many physicians associate it with age, genetic predispositions, and hormones.
When diagnosing female pattern baldness a physician will normally go by appearance.
Because this is a disorder that the symptoms are visible to the eye, appearance is the best way to diagnose.
Other test can be run to see if a medical disorder is causing the loss, but as for the balding itself just looking is the best method.
Female pattern balding is a permanent disorder and is more common than you think.
Because it is permanent there is not proven method of treatment that works for everyone.
One treatment method women have tried is medication.
There is only one medication approved in the United States and the success rates are not high.
On average medication can help it grow back in 20% to 25% of women.
The other method of treatment is a transplant.
Hair transplants remove follicles from particularly thick spots and places it in follicles where balding is occurring.
Both of these methods of treatment are extremely expensive and are not guaranteed to work.
To get medication or transplants people must be preapproved and meet specific guide lines.
Before looking into medical treatments for balding a physician should be contacted.
Female pattern baldness is not common, however can occur.
Thinning of follicles should not be ignored and balding should always be taken into consideration.