Five Ways To Work From Home
Making a success of it, though, can be much more difficult, so its all about choosing the right option that youd be prepared to stick with, and taking advantage of any extra training and guidance offered. Here are five possible fields which could offer opportunities to leave at least part of that commuting drudge behind:
1. Set up an online shop anyone who has good contacts in a particular business field is likely to be aware of suppliers which are known mainly to trade insiders. Nurturing contacts with these could be a way of finding and buying products at extra-keen prices which can then be sold on over the internet
2. Write or proof-read from home someone who has an excellent command of the English language has skills which are commercially valuable. After all, publishers and other companies generally can stand or fall by the standard of their written communications. If it isnt a particular strength of any of their staff, they are likely to find a proficient copywriter or proof-reader a worthwhile addition to their team.
3. Participate in online market research campaigns Companies often put in lots of research before launching new products, and use real-life samplers as guinea pigs. Their feedback will be taken on board and possibly even used to make changes to a product before it is put on general sale.
4. Build websites Modern website-building tools are quite sophisticated, but theres no reason why someone who gets to know them intimately cannot set up a business for themselves. Initially, this can quite easily be done from anywhere, although anyone doing it for serious commercial gain might need to consider taking the next step and renting dedicated office space.
5. Deliver catalogues This is suitable for people of most ages, especially if they like being in the fresh air, and meeting new people. It can be fitted into a regular routine, and its a great way of getting to know the neighbourhood if someone is new to an area.