Useful PHP Application Development Frameworks
PHP is highly flexible language and its flexibility is one of the most obstacles in the development. Coders end up with haphazard documents therefore they need particular architecture and frameworks are providing this architecture and support to make robust applications. There are plenty of PHP application development frameworks available in the market among them CakePHP, Zend and Yii are highly useful PHP application development frameworks. These frameworks not only provide definite architecture but also speed up the development process. You can create a stable application with these frameworks. In modern era time is money therefore these frameworks are highly popular amongst PHP application developer community. So let's take a review of these frameworks one by one.
CakePHP Framework CakePHP is mostly used in small to medium size projects so it is ideal framework for these categories of PHP application development projects and solutions. CakePHP framework use the well-known design patterns like MVC, Front controller, Association data mapping and Active record. Moreover, components, behaviour and helper classes provide an opportunity to expand and multiple using functionality to the base classes in application. Below are given peculiarities of CakePHP application development framework.
• CakePHP has its own file structure
• There are plenty of Plug-in support available in the market
• You can find data abstraction (PEAR. DB, ADO.DB, Cake)
• CakePHP has all DBMS support (MySQL, SQLite. Postgres, Oracle)
• CakePHP has complete compatibility with PHP 4 and PHP 5
Zend Framework Zend is highly popular framework amongst the developer community. It is created and developed by Zend company. It is used in all kind of applications. You can create up-to-date, reliable and safe web 2.0 applications. Zend framework has simplicity, object oriented principle and friendly license policy. It has well tested codes using agile method. Zend has support of massive developer community. It follows the MVC pattern so it is easy to work with Zend.
Yii Framework This is comparatively new framework but highly useful and popular framework. It is fast so allows rapid PHP development framework. Yii is completely object orientation framework with good documentation so you will have well framed documentation. Yii has support of large developer community so you can find help whenever you need. It has similar structure of the Parado framework. It is the fastest framework so you can finish your project within given time line and save valuable time and precious money.
CodeIgniter Framework It is favourite framework for the beginners since it is easy to learn. It has large web developer community support so you can find the solutions of your problem with an ease. It has a good performance so you can get your PHP application development robust. With CodeIgniter you can finish your project of PHP application development within short period because it saves repetition of code. It is ideal for shared hosting account or for when you need a framework with small footprint. It has extensive library of video tutorials, forums and user guide available for support. There are many other frameworks but above given frameworks are most popular among the developer community.
CakePHP Framework CakePHP is mostly used in small to medium size projects so it is ideal framework for these categories of PHP application development projects and solutions. CakePHP framework use the well-known design patterns like MVC, Front controller, Association data mapping and Active record. Moreover, components, behaviour and helper classes provide an opportunity to expand and multiple using functionality to the base classes in application. Below are given peculiarities of CakePHP application development framework.
• CakePHP has its own file structure
• There are plenty of Plug-in support available in the market
• You can find data abstraction (PEAR. DB, ADO.DB, Cake)
• CakePHP has all DBMS support (MySQL, SQLite. Postgres, Oracle)
• CakePHP has complete compatibility with PHP 4 and PHP 5
Zend Framework Zend is highly popular framework amongst the developer community. It is created and developed by Zend company. It is used in all kind of applications. You can create up-to-date, reliable and safe web 2.0 applications. Zend framework has simplicity, object oriented principle and friendly license policy. It has well tested codes using agile method. Zend has support of massive developer community. It follows the MVC pattern so it is easy to work with Zend.
Yii Framework This is comparatively new framework but highly useful and popular framework. It is fast so allows rapid PHP development framework. Yii is completely object orientation framework with good documentation so you will have well framed documentation. Yii has support of large developer community so you can find help whenever you need. It has similar structure of the Parado framework. It is the fastest framework so you can finish your project within given time line and save valuable time and precious money.
CodeIgniter Framework It is favourite framework for the beginners since it is easy to learn. It has large web developer community support so you can find the solutions of your problem with an ease. It has a good performance so you can get your PHP application development robust. With CodeIgniter you can finish your project of PHP application development within short period because it saves repetition of code. It is ideal for shared hosting account or for when you need a framework with small footprint. It has extensive library of video tutorials, forums and user guide available for support. There are many other frameworks but above given frameworks are most popular among the developer community.