Are You a Vibrational Match to Your Business?
Finding the one that is right for you involves more than considering start up costs, monthly minimums and compensation plans.
If you aren't taking into consideration if you are vibrational match to your business you may be leaving out the ingredient that is the difference between your success and failing miserably.
Vibrational Match? That sounds like a bunch of new age mumbo jumbo.
If you work hard you succeed right? Not necessarily.
There are universal laws at work in each of our lives.
They are at work whether we know about them or not, whether we use them deliberately or not.
One such law is the law of attraction.
This law states that which is like unto itself is drawn.
Before you start any business, or get involved in any opportunity stop and take note of how you are feeling about it.
Your feelings are a perfect indicator of it.
Do you feel excited, happy, confident, calm? Are you feeling overwhelmed, broke, nervous, scared? Each of these emotions will attract matching results in your business.
Yesterday I was talking to someone who was thinking about joining my business.
During our conversation we discovered she had been involved in another program I am involved with.
When I asked her how she had done in it, she said it was a horrible program, she has been taken for all this money to get in, then spent so much money buying leads, there was no support once she was involved.
She ended up farther in debt than when she started and never made a penny from the program.
She asked how I had done with the program.
I told her I had done very well.
In fact, it was that program that allowed me to be able to stay home with my little one.
I had a great team, we met weekly to discuss marketing strategies, and had not spent a dime on advertising.
I talked with her for a while, and found out when she joined the program she was "desperate for money".
She couldn't afford the money it cost to get into the program, and was very leery that this program was "too good to be true" or a scam, and she worried she was just going to lose her money and end up worse than she already was.
I'd say the results she experienced were a perfect vibrational match to what she was feeling when she started.
Wouldn't you? I went into the program with excitement, knowing it was the perfect thing for me at that time.
I considered who I was joining the program with and how their intentions matched mine.
I got a pretty good match to my vibration as well and still do to this day.
If you think a program is a scam ~ it will probably give you results to prove you are right.
If you think a program is the best thing to hit the planet ~ it too will give you results to prove you right.
This is why everyone has different results with the same program.
It's not the program ~ it's you.
If you've been through program after program and have failed at every one I suggest you take a break from business and do some work on you.
Until you can be in a place to have success be a vibrational MATCH, you will never experience it.
In closing, before you blame the program, or call it a scam, take a look at where your vibration is and see if what you received wasn't a perfect match.
If it was, and I'm sure it was, that is great news.
You and only you have the ability to change your vibration.
Once you move higher up the vibrational scale you will notice success is drawn to you just as failure had been before.