Bad Press For Baby Formula Could Be Tainting Your Perception of Fish Oil
This is not surprising.
After all, omega 3 fatty acids form DHA molecules, which have long been known to enhance cognitive development, memory, visual ability and brain function in infants, children and even adults.
What is surprising, however, is the serious and negative backlash against these studies.
Many advocates of breast feeding are accusing formula companies and the researchers who developed the experiments of trying to "trick" women out of breast feeding their infants - even though the studies had nothing to do with breast feeding and nearly all scientists (and their evidence) agree that breast feeding is by far the best option for an infant.
In the furor, the real and valuable information yielded by these studies is being overlooked and lost.
DHA, a form of omega 3 fatty acid, conclusively is better for your infant than regular formula.
So if you are going to feed your baby formula, then doesn't it make sense to make sure that they are getting enough omega 3s in their diet? And if you are going to breast feed, doesn't it still make sense to make sure that your baby (and you) are getting enough omega 3s in your diet? Of course it does! It is just commonsense parenting.
Regardless of whether you believe the hype about the motives behind this research and the twist that formula companies have allegedly placed on it, make sure that you are covering the really serious bases: your nutrition and that of your baby.
Omega 3's can make a difference for your child throughout their entire life, starting with their visual development and resistance to certain autoimmune illnesses, then progressing as they grow to help them with their homework and protect them from psychological issues like depression.
Ask your pediatrician today about omega 3 fish oil, and make sure that you only give your baby the best omega 3's by checking the labels to see that the supplements have been made with pure ingredients like Arctic salmon and that they do not contain any fish that might have traces of heavy metals like the mercury found in tuna.
To learn more about children and omega 3 oils, access http://www.