Suggestions For Choosing a Domain Name
Although you can start discovering what that website should look like and how it should function, you better think about what it's going to be called.
You may think this is a simple task just choosing "mybusiness.
However, you may find that name taken, and, even in this simple "generic" example, it is.
The name "mybusiness.
com' is not available.
Yes, you can start searching for available names through one of thousands of domain name services.
However, if you are new to the Internet world and the use of websites for either dispensing information or conducting commerce, you should do a little homework that can help you select the appropriate name for you.
Here's a few suggestions: Keep It Short - Using a name with as few characters as possible is important for a number of reasons.
Short names are easy to remember.
They fit well on business cards and stationery.
You might want to emblazon it on the side of a service or delivery truck.
I once advised a client not to use the company's full name in its selection because not only was it very long, when sounded it could offer more than one spelling choice.
A long Domain Name, although a possible unique identifier, will ultimately present more of a challenge.
Well, this client ignored my suggestion returning but a couple of months later with head hung low asking me to help them out because they were getting no web traffic.
Thanks for the Memory - You more than likely have stuck in your brain a saying, slogan, jingle, catch-phrase or a name that sits there because its one undeniable property is that it is memorable.
Sure, there are a lot of generic names like autorepair.
com that you might be capable to remember.
But, it's taken.
Some companies that come into existence choose the name based on its ability to be easily remembered like Amazon.
com or Google.
Try to choose a name that is not necessarily straight laced, pompous and thus forgettable.
When seeking a two-name combination, a good tip to create a name that can be remembered is to rhyme both words like "tedssheds.
com" or use alliteration (same word beginning sound) like petespets.
com (They're both taken, by the way!).
Get together with others to speak your selections out loud so you can hear how well they sound that would lead to how well they could be remembered.
Don't Select Confusion - Unfortunately, as the Internet has become increasingly popular, many names sought, especially the .
com ones, are already taken.
Some people who are dead set stuck on using a form of a taken name either opt for a different extension other than .
com, or try adding a simple "the" or "my" to the Domain Name.
Although your name is "Pete" and you do sell "pets," someone else has "petespets.
com" but as of this writing, "thepetespets.
com" is available.
You might be tempted use your adaption, but you may find a bit of trouble doing so.
Trademark laws are designed to protect the owners of "brand" names from others using even part in their choices.
Your selection may be violating a law.
(Check with the U.
Trademark database).