What Are the 12 Biochemic Tissue Salts?
In this article we will consider briefly what biochemic tissue salts are and then look at the 12 that are used to treat people.
What are Biochemic Tissue Salts? Biochemic Tissue Salts are minerals that are found naturally in our bodies.
In addition they are also found in tiny quantities in our food however die to the chemicals and pesticides it is very difficult for us to absorb them.
Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, while studying homeopathy discovered that these 12 salts were vital to our health and by taking them we can improve both maintenance and performance of our bodies.
The 12 Biochemic Salt Tissues We have put together a list of the 12 biochemic tissue salts and what they are needed for.
In addition we have also put some information on some of the signs of deficiency.
Calcium Fluoride - this salt is vital for strong teeth and bones and can also help with the elasticity of the skin.
You may be lacking in this salt if you suffer from constipation, dry skin, red-brown marks in the corners of the eyes or stretch marks.
Calcium Phosphate - this salt can help you to rover more quickly and it is also a cell restorer.
Its main use is for children while they are growing.
Some of the symptoms of deficiency include reduced appetite and poor digestion.
A person may also appear pale and gaunt as well as suffering from palpitations.
People may find healing slow and may suffer from bone conditions.
Calcium Sulphate - this is a blood purifier and will also help to detox the body and remove waste products.
People lacking in this salt may suffer from skin conditions, abscesses and ulcers.
They may also have excessive catarrh and mucus as well as neuralgia.
Ferrum Phosphate - this salt helps to carry oxygen to all the cells in the body.
It can also be useful as a natural anti-inflammatory and supports the immune system.
People who are lacking in this salt may have heavy menstruation.
They may also suffer from tiredness and often get short of breath.
They may also have dark circles under the eyes and appear anaemic as well as suffering from haemorrhoids.
Kali Muriaicum - this salt is a blood detoxifier and is needed for blood clotting.
It can also be great for excess catarrh and mucus.
Deficiency signs include nausea, blisters and swelling of glands.
People may also appear pale.
Kali Phosphate - this salt is a component of the body's tissues and fluids and in particular in the nervous system, muscles and brain.
This salt is also needed for the oxidation process.
People lacking in the salt may feel mentally and physically exhausted, sleep-deprived, anxious and stressed.
Kali Sulphate - this salt carries oxygen around the body and also boosts the kidneys.
It is also vital for good skin health.
Signs of deficiency will include yellow coated tongue, dandruff with yellow flakes, greasy skin and yellow secretions.
Magnesium Phosphate - this is found in the nerve fibres of both the nerves and the muscles.
It is also an anti-spasmodic.
People lacking in this slat may suffer from nervousness, hot flushes, migraines, muscle cramps and neuralgia.
Natrum Muriaticum - this may also be called sodium chloride and helps to balance the water in the body.
It can also help the digestive system.
People lacking in this salt may suffer from dry, itchy skin, puffy eyes, bloated face and digestive problems.
Natrum Phosphate - this salt regulates the acid in the body and helps to get rid of excess water in the body.
If you are lacking in the salt you may suffer from indigestion or heartburn and may also suffer from rheumatic conditions.
Natrum Sulphate - this is very important for the functioning for the liver and pancreas.
It can help to clean and purify the body and maintain water balance in cells.
People who lack in this salt may suffer from liver problems, rheumatic conditions as well as nausea and allergies.
Silica - this is the main component of the hair, skin, nails, bone and blood.
People who are lacking in this salt may suffer from boils, abscesses and dry, brittle hair.
In addition they may suffer from excessive anger, irritation and nervousness and be sensitive to light.