Christina Lecuyer Big Break Dominican Republic
Images and info about Big Break golfer Christina Lecuyer, who has appeared on both Big Break Kaanapali and Big Break Dominican Republic.
When the Golf Channel called to ask Christina Lecuyer to return for Big Break Dominican Republic, answering that call was a difficult decision.
"Right before I got the call, I just had a conversation with a friend that I didn't want to play anymore," Lecuyer said. "When I got the call to give this another go, it made me want to practice and get focused again. I have been playing better golf now than I have in a long time, and I think a lot of the pressure is off of me because I am not on the road constantly trying to earn a paycheck week-in and week-out.
I knew it was a great opportunity, and I'm blessed to be chosen again to compete on Big Break."
When the Golf Channel called to ask Christina Lecuyer to return for Big Break Dominican Republic, answering that call was a difficult decision.
"Right before I got the call, I just had a conversation with a friend that I didn't want to play anymore," Lecuyer said. "When I got the call to give this another go, it made me want to practice and get focused again. I have been playing better golf now than I have in a long time, and I think a lot of the pressure is off of me because I am not on the road constantly trying to earn a paycheck week-in and week-out.
I knew it was a great opportunity, and I'm blessed to be chosen again to compete on Big Break."