Internet Marketing Pioneers (Part 1)
The bursting dot-com bubble of 2001 is evidence that staying in front of the trends is no easy task.
Few who were successful in the last decade were able to survive and thrive after the bubble burst.
A lot of people profited in the past, not because of their own wisdom, but because of the foolish business practices of those who invested in their schemes.
There are many chances to get some key marketing ingredient wrong and doom your whole company.
Amid the wholesale collapse of the internet mania, there are several marketers who have survived.
These enduring few have been using the internet as a sales tool for over 10 years and who have continued their growth as time and conditions have changed.
They have adapted to the changing market conditions and the evolution of technology to stay ahead of the majority.
This is the first in a series of articles profiling some of the best known (and a few lesser known) marketing experts to highlight what they did right that allowed them to keep growing.
Gina Gaudio-Graves didn't intend to become a marketing guru.
She wanted to be an attorney.
After graduating from Notre Dame, in fact, she did become an attorney.
Her life was changed by an auto accident in 1996, which left her incapacitated, unable to continue with her legal career.
She turned to the internet, where she established a web site that followed the stock market and allowed paying member to analyze stocks and communicate with other members.
Eventually, she decided to sell this profitable site because it tied her to her computer all day.
She was looking for a different way of life, the opportunity to travel, to teach, and to meet new people.
She started a new business of brokering joint ventures for businesses, both brick and mortar businesses and online businesses.
Like her first business, this one prospered and she became known as "the JV Queen.
" Gina still has her hand in brokering, but she now spends most of her time mentoring new marketers.
She speaks at dozens of conferences each year.
She has created several training products that have wide distribution all around the world.
She also trains individual clients in one-to-one and group settings.
She is generous with her knowledge.
Catch her in the hall at a conference and ask her a question.
You will be surprised at how much she knows and how much she shares.
Gina is a survivor of the internet bust as well as of personal tragedy in her life.
I am proud to introduce her to you.