How to Focus the Mind
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Find a suitable place to where you can think straight and work. You have to find an area where you can organize everything before you start doing something that needs focus. Make sure that your working place is free from unwanted noises that can distract your concentration. Clean your desk, gather the things you need and keep it in proper order--remove those that are not necessary for your work. - 2). Stop entertaining other forms of mental diversions. Setting your mind in one direction means eliminating anything that can redirect your attention away from the task you are in. Turn off the blasting TV--you can't focus properly if you are trying to think and watch news at the same time. Turn the radio off too unless you are that type of person who works well with music. Try not to entertain calls or better yet turn its ringer off. Shut down the Internet and avoid answering emails. Just get rid of anything that can lessen your concentration in order to keep your mind fixed on your work alone.
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Plan your approach. Working out the details of your strategies in advance is an excellent way to keep track of your goal. Visualize and plan everything and set your mind to it. Whether it be work projects, school assignments or house chores, make a "to do list" and set an estimated time frame for each and every task. Identify your most important task, have it on top of your list and make the least important one at the bottom. Double-check your list to see if you missed something. Sorting out your plans in this manner will lessen your worries about things and will help organize your thoughts as well. - 4). Put your plans into action. Using your list as a guide, work the tasks that you have written. Follow the order of your list from the top priority to the least and try to do it according to the alloted time frame you had set for each one. It may be a bit difficult to start a task such as when working on projects, but when you are able to begin putting you mind into action, it will just flow. And keep that flow going by not squeezing in any unwanted activities that will only put your focus off track.
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Take it one task at a time. Multi-tasking is a good approach, but handling all your tasks one at a time is by far a more better method when we talk about focusing the mind. Again, with the use of your task list, stay on to a certain task and finish it before you go to the next one. Stay focused on one project and give your full attention to it. Just keep it in mind that you are doing your task according to the order of importance (because that is how you should list in the first place). So go on and finish the most important project first, stay to its allotted time frame and then proceed with the next task. - 6). Look back at your accomplished tasks and celebrate. After accomplishing each and every task, reflect on it and be proud of yourself. Do another game plan for tomorrow and then call it a day. Go on and do something that you find pleasurable. You can visit your spa for a relaxing massage, watch a movie or treat yourself to a tasty dinner at your favorite restaurant. Just do whatever it takes to ease up your mind and relax your whole system--you deserve it for a job well done.
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Maintain a healthy lifestyle. A healthy body means a healthy mind, and a healthy mind means more ability to concentrate or focus. Everything goes hand in hand here, so try to practice a healthy way of leaving if you want to have a sharp mind. Eat right and drink lots of fluids. Exercise regularly to keep a healthy blood circulation to your brain and entire body. Take some time to breathe and relax to avoid stress. And of course get enough sleep--this is the best way to rejuvenate and invigorate your mind and body.