Everything You Need To Get A Higher Vertical Jump
What does it take to get a higher vertical? First let me get one thing out of the way.
In order to get a higher vertical it is going to take a lot of hard work, mental energy, dedication to your program to jump higher.
Something that many athletes do not know is that having a mentor or a training partner can go a long way to helping you stick with your workout routine and training schedule.
This leads us into the first important aspect of getting a higher vertical.
Discipline and Commitment
In order to get a higher vertical it is going to take a lot of hard work, mental energy, dedication to your program to jump higher.
Something that many athletes do not know is that having a mentor or a training partner can go a long way to helping you stick with your workout routine and training schedule.
This leads us into the first important aspect of getting a higher vertical.
Discipline and Commitment
- Discipline and commitment is a must.
Do not buy a jump training program if you are not going to put your all into it and stay dedicated to it.
This part is entirely up to you, no one can do the exercises and workouts for you and they can not make you do them either. - I can not stress enough that being able to stick with what you start is one of the very most important aspects of increasing your vertical leap.
- You must do your exercises in proper form and correctly.
Doing 5 repetitions of correct for exercise is more effective than doing 20 repetitions of incorrect form exercises. - Always do each rep as explosively as possible, by doing each exercise as explosively as possible you will notice that day after day you will see gains after each workout
- So if you do not take anything else from all of this please make sure you stop training incorrectly
- Nutrition is probably the most over looked aspect of increasing your vertical leap.
If you want to get a higher vertical then you have to get this part down if you want to see maximum gains on your vertical. - The reason being is that after each workout your muscles are going to be drained and worn down.
Following the correct nutrition practices will build your muscles back up and help to prevent injury. - Following correct nutrition will allow you to see the maximum gains on your vertical.