What Is Whiplash?
To begin with, a whiplash injury could be considered as a debilitating condition that could result from sudden and violent movements in the neck area just like when car accidents occur. It could be described also as a major injury to cervical spine caused by a sudden jerking motion involving the neck and the head.
Whiplash could be incurred when your head is abruptly thrown forward or backward. It could be possibly incurred by several other situations aside from car accidents. People who regularly play sports, experience awkward falls, do horseplay, and sneeze could suffer from and immediate onset of whiplash.
Most whiplash injuries are reported when sufferers get vehicle situations, specifically when the car is suddenly hit from behind. In such a case, the neck is suddenly flexed and extended against it's natural head support. This could tear muscles and even ligament fibers that contract as a defense reflex of the body to protect human head. In a normal whiplash injury, there is pain in the muscles of front of the neck. Movement in the neck area could also be helpful.
There is a school of thought that there is no proven remedy for the condition.
In most cases, people who suffer from whiplash could immediately hire the services of a spinal therapist of a chiropractor. Such activities could help take the spine back aligned to the rest of the human body. This way, the whole body could immediately and quickly heal.
Spinal Therapy, which is where one works on the spine and in this case to work on the neck spine. By having the client laying on their back in a relaxed position (as much as they can be) and oils to massage the neck spine. This is gentle work where the finger tips gently massage between the vertebrae and the surrounding tissues including up under the skull.
This could take many weeks or months to heal but any form of gentle massage in and around the neck spine would be benefical. Also the shoulders will also need attention and in some cases the lower back.