The Advantages of Digital SLRs Over Compact Cameras
In this post I want to look at the reasons why an amateur photographer would want to purchase a Digital SLR over a digital compact camera.
Firstly, although a new breed of (more expensive) compact cameras with larger sensors are now available to buy on the market, it's true to say that the vast majority of compact cameras still come with very small image sensors. This essentially means that they come with quite significant image quality issues. The smaller sensors in these cameras struggle to gather enough light in low light situations, and hence the resulting images are full of what is known as digital noise. This €noise' is similar in nature to the old fashioned grain you would see in high-speed film, except it is, in my opinion a little more unattractive. With many digital compact cameras it is very difficult to get decent quality images at speeds any higher than ISO 400. For me this is one of the main reasons that digital SLRs are just so much better. They feature MUCH larger sensors, and consequently perform very well in low light situations. Full frame cameras, such as the Canon 5D Mark 3, can capture reasonable quality images at a sensitivity level as high as 16,000 ISO, and this means the creative options open to photographers shooting in low light situations are considerable.
The second reason for purchasing a DSLR over a compact camera is the responsiveness and speed of operation they offer. With a traditional digital compact camera, when you engage the auto-focus system, it can take literally seconds to lock onto the subject. In the meantime you may well have missed the shot! In addition, even when you have locked onto the subject and engaged the shutter button, there can still be a significant €lag' before the shot is captured. This is one of the most frustrating characteristics of such cameras. Digital SLRs, on the other hand, feature very speedy (and accurate) auto focus systems, and have an almost negligible shutter lag. As a consequence, they respond very quickly, and enable you to get the shot you're after. Apply this to a real life situation- your son or daughter is playing football or netball and you want to get some action shots of them during the game. With a compact camera it's much, much harder to really capture this kind of shot. A digital SLR on the other hand, offers the responsiveness you need in this kind of situation.
The third big advantage of digital SLRs, in my opinion, is the €system'. This sounds very grandiose, but it simply refers to the vast array of lenses and accessories that are available for SLRs. Brands such as Nikon and Canon offer literally hundreds of different lenses, made for specific purposes. This means that you can add on lenses (and accessories) that enable you to get certain kinds of shots. For example, if you decide after a while that you are interested in getting close up shots of insects and animals, you may decide to invest in a specialist macro lens. These lenses allow you to focus really closely to your subject and achieve an amazing amount of image detail as a result. If you decide that you are interested in sports photography you could then invest in a telephoto lens such as a 180-400mm, which would enable you to really get close to the action. In other words, by buying a digital SLR you give yourself the flexibility to really develop your photography in new and exciting directions. A compact camera, in comparison, offers very little room for €growth'.
Given all of these advantages, and the fact that SLRs are relatively inexpensive nowadays, you can see why so many people are now buying these amazing devices.
Firstly, although a new breed of (more expensive) compact cameras with larger sensors are now available to buy on the market, it's true to say that the vast majority of compact cameras still come with very small image sensors. This essentially means that they come with quite significant image quality issues. The smaller sensors in these cameras struggle to gather enough light in low light situations, and hence the resulting images are full of what is known as digital noise. This €noise' is similar in nature to the old fashioned grain you would see in high-speed film, except it is, in my opinion a little more unattractive. With many digital compact cameras it is very difficult to get decent quality images at speeds any higher than ISO 400. For me this is one of the main reasons that digital SLRs are just so much better. They feature MUCH larger sensors, and consequently perform very well in low light situations. Full frame cameras, such as the Canon 5D Mark 3, can capture reasonable quality images at a sensitivity level as high as 16,000 ISO, and this means the creative options open to photographers shooting in low light situations are considerable.
The second reason for purchasing a DSLR over a compact camera is the responsiveness and speed of operation they offer. With a traditional digital compact camera, when you engage the auto-focus system, it can take literally seconds to lock onto the subject. In the meantime you may well have missed the shot! In addition, even when you have locked onto the subject and engaged the shutter button, there can still be a significant €lag' before the shot is captured. This is one of the most frustrating characteristics of such cameras. Digital SLRs, on the other hand, feature very speedy (and accurate) auto focus systems, and have an almost negligible shutter lag. As a consequence, they respond very quickly, and enable you to get the shot you're after. Apply this to a real life situation- your son or daughter is playing football or netball and you want to get some action shots of them during the game. With a compact camera it's much, much harder to really capture this kind of shot. A digital SLR on the other hand, offers the responsiveness you need in this kind of situation.
The third big advantage of digital SLRs, in my opinion, is the €system'. This sounds very grandiose, but it simply refers to the vast array of lenses and accessories that are available for SLRs. Brands such as Nikon and Canon offer literally hundreds of different lenses, made for specific purposes. This means that you can add on lenses (and accessories) that enable you to get certain kinds of shots. For example, if you decide after a while that you are interested in getting close up shots of insects and animals, you may decide to invest in a specialist macro lens. These lenses allow you to focus really closely to your subject and achieve an amazing amount of image detail as a result. If you decide that you are interested in sports photography you could then invest in a telephoto lens such as a 180-400mm, which would enable you to really get close to the action. In other words, by buying a digital SLR you give yourself the flexibility to really develop your photography in new and exciting directions. A compact camera, in comparison, offers very little room for €growth'.
Given all of these advantages, and the fact that SLRs are relatively inexpensive nowadays, you can see why so many people are now buying these amazing devices.