Cons of Pay Per Click Advertising
€ Pay per click is relatively very expensive. There are many clients who had lost their thousands of dollars in Ad Words in a single day. Because they invested in keywords that were not profitable. In PPC, investors have to pay for each and every click even if the clickers don't buy. To help those investors, there are some firms that indict for pay per customer not per click.
€ Click fraud is the common problem faced by most investor. To eat up your budget, your competitor clicks on your advertisements. This is done manually or it could be done by a program. To avoid this problem it is better to check the conversion rate of your pay per click advertisement with each search engine.
€ There is no assurance for the clicks. Paying for PPC doesn't mean that you will surely get more revenue. Millions of users click on your Ad and leave the page without purchasing anything. PPC doesn't ensure that every click is converted into sales.
€ Pay per click requires certain experience to avoid losses. At first, you may not reap the required benefits but after acquiring experience you will be able to acquaint yourself with customer's behavior. But to obtain certain experience you have to spend most of your valuable time which may affect your business.
€ Search engines are flooded with lots of ads. People don't know which page is related to their requirements. They simply click on your advertisement to know if you can solve their problems. When they find that your link is unrelated to their needs they will close the window.
€ According to a recent survey revealed by Google, 85% of people claim to ignore sponsored listings. Then pay per click advertising might not be feasible for small businesses.
€ Pay per click is a slow tactic of advertising that needs time to learn the complex method involved in it.
PPC is really not a wise decision for small business owner. You will lose your hard earned money with no returns. It is better if you invest in pay per customer not per click. Pay per customer can be a great advertising tool.