How to Save Your Relationship and Win Your Lover Back
If you immediately start to try and work on ways of winning back the person you truly love then this could only result in them being pushed away further.
Below we offer a few tips that could help to save the one relationship that you truly do care about.
Tip 1 - It is vital that after your lover has left you actually spend some time on your own.
This way you can actually look more objectively at why the relationship has ended the way it has.
It also provides you with a chance to work on some solutions to resolving the problems that you had as a couple.
Tip 2 - Another thing that one should never do immediately following a relationship break up is start trying to make contact with your ex.
Not only does it make you look weak in their eyes but if you look and sound desperate and needy the less appealing you will be to them.
If you are in situation where you may see your ex on a daily basis then consider taking a few days holiday so you can go away and gather your thoughts.
Tip 3 - The other thing to do which can help you to get on a more even keel and to show your ex that you are coping is to go out with your friends.
Also why not consider taking up some new hobby or sport that allows you to meet new people.
Although you may not feel like it going out and having some fun can really help to improve your situation and better understand where your relationship went wrong.