What Attracts Men To Women - 4 Reasons Why Some Women Never Meet The Right Man
And most of it centers on the outer appearance.
And although men are very visual beings, physical attractiveness alone will not get you his love.
Men will always approach women who are physically attractive.
They can control it no more than we can control looking at and seriously contemplating buying a nice pair of shoes.
So do not get angry about this fact or call them shallow.
You have to learn to work with it.
Using these strategies below will ensure that you get more attention coming your way from the RIGHT types of men.
The losers generally do not like women who posses these qualities.
Attractiveness Yes, in order for men to approach you, they have to be attracted to you.
This does not mean that you have to dress up like a supermodel.
Just dress appropriately.
You do not have to wear pumps to the grocery store, but you should at least take your rollers out your hair before you go.
Make sure your clothing is neat and you took some pride in dressing yourself.
Men aren't concerned with labels or how much your clothing costs.
Just make sure you look good in what you wear! 2.
Confidence Alright, this is an important one.
Physical attractiveness will get you the interview, but it does not guarantee you the job! You have to have confidence in yourself and feel good about yourself.
Confidence is having belief in yourself and your abilities 3.
Are You Happy? Men do not want another job.
If you are constantly complaining or negative or just generally not happy, he has to take on the job of fixing that.
He does not want this responsibility 24/7.
Men want to be a part of your life, not the wheel that keeps it moving.
So being happy actually comes before being in a relationship! 4.
Be Yourself Being yourself is what will ensure that you meet the RIGHT man.
It means being honest about what you like and what you do not like.
If you are a fake and are acting like someone else to get the man you want, he actually does not like you at all, he likes the "part" you are playing.
It will not only hurt him when he discovers the real you, you will have the constant heartbreak of knowing that he doesn't really like you, he likes your "representative".