Ben Linus" Flashbacks
Note: Ben Linus' flashbacks are presented here in the order they happened in his life, as opposed to the order in which they were shown on the show. To read the flashbacks in the order they were presented to Lost viewers, see Ben's profile for links to episodes containing his flashbacks.
Ben is Born
Episode 3x20, The Man Behind the Curtain - Flashback 1A man and woman appear to be in a jungle. The woman is in hard labor.
The man says, "Emily, you can do it. Now push! You can do it! Come on now. There you go."
A baby cries and he says, "It's a boy."
Emily is in a lot of pain. He puts the baby in her arms.
"Roger, it hurts," she says. He sees that she is bleeding a lot.
"Emily, no one knows we're out here. We got to get back. Can you hold the baby?" he asks. "Hold him tight." He picks her up and runs through the jungle. A truck honks the horn and he comes to a road with lots of traffic. A sign says PORTLAND 32.
A car with a man and a woman in it stops. Roger says, "She went into labor and she wasn't due yet. She's bleeding."
"Okay, get her in the car," the man says. "Let's keep her warm." They wrap her in a blanket. "How's the baby?"
"Fine, I guess, I don't know," Roger says.
"Roger, Roger," Emily says.
"I'm right here," he says.
"Call him Ben," she says. She dies.
Episode 3x20, The Man Behind the Curtain - Flashback 2Ben is a boy and walks with his father down the dock, away from the submarine. They go under a sign that says Namaste and The Dharma Initiative.
They see lots of Dharma boxes, and several blue Dharma buses. They are greeted by people saying, "Namaste".
They come upon the man who had been driving the car that tried to help Ben and his mother the day Ben was born. Roger greets him by his last name, Goodspee, and thanks him for the opportunity. He says to call him Horace.
Roger tells Ben that he had been there the day Ben was born and he's doing them a big favor. He gave Roger a job. Roger explains that Ben doesn't say much.
"That's okay," Horace says and asks if Ben is hungry. "After you're done processing, we'll have some lunch. You're going to love it here."
Later, Ben and his dad stand in a room with other people, watching a television set. Marvin Candle speaks and the utopian village is in the background. Marvin says, "For your own safety, we ask that you stay within the confines of your living quarters. Our barracks are surrounded by a high frequency sonar fence to protect us from the island's abundant and diverse wildlife. You are now a member of the Dharma Initiative--"
Roger turns and says, "What kind of wildlife you think this is protecting us from?"
"Roger Linus," someone calls, and Roger goes to a table with a sign above it that says Assignments.
Marvin says, "There are properties on this island that exist nowhere else on earth. Our mission is to study these properties for the betterment of mankind and advancement in the world."
Ben looks at the big registration sign on the wall. He sees people getting shots.
"Hey," someone says, and Ben sees a girl about his age. She's wearing a Dharma shirt. "You're new, huh? I'm Annie. Want one?" She hands him an Apollo Bar. "We can have as many as we want."
"Work man!" Roger says. "What is this? Work man? I'm a janitor?"
"I'm sorry Mr. Linus," a woman says who is wearing a Dharma uniform that says her name is Opal and she's a nurse.
"Goodspee told me you people were doing experiments changing the world. I didn't come here to clean up after you!"
"Look, if anything else opens up, you can feel free to apply for it," Opal says.
The Hostiles
Episode 3x20, The Man Behind the Curtain - Flashback 3Ben is in a classroom with several children. The teacher is talking about a volcanic reaction.
Annie raises her hand and says, "Is that what happened to the volcano on this island?"
"Yes," the teacher says. It says Olivia on her uniform. "But that was a long time ago. Okay, let's get ourselves an eruption." She pours water into a model volcano.
There is a boom and shaking and the teacher looks worried. An alarm comes over the speakers and Olivia tells Annie to lock the back door and for the students to get in position. Olivia gets a shotgun.
The students all huddle in one area and Annie locks the door. Ben stays in his seat until Annie comes over and gets him. "Don't worry," she says, "it's just the hostiles. We'll be okay."
Ben sees people running around outside.
Later, Ben is laying in his bed, petting a white rabbit. He hears Horace and his father talking in the other room.
"Hey, man," Horace says, "I heard you ran into some trouble."
"We're driving back from The Flame and we hear this huge explosion. The next thing I know there's a siren wailing and we're driving through the middle of a shoot out."
"Look, we're having some squirmishes with the natives."
Ben gets up and looks out the door.
"What do you mean natives?"
"Well, we're not exactly sure who they are."
Roger throws a beer can.
"Roger, I did you a favor, man. You were having trouble finding work. And don't forget about Ben. He's getting a quality education."
"I don't give a damn about his education! If I'm going to get shot at, I want hazard pay. I want another thirty grand."
"Calm down, man."
"And don't try to tell me you don't have it. You hear me?"
Ben hears tapping on his window, but doesn't see anyone there.
"Get the hell out of my house!" Roger says.
Ben closes the door and turns to see his mother. He backs up and falls over a chair.
Roger comes in and says, "I thought I told you to go to bed."
Ben looks back to the window. No one is there. He picks up a picture of his mother and father.