Chiropractic Medicine: What Is Chiropractic?
It is a healthcare profession that focuses on the neuro-neuromuscular system of the human body.
It helps all the complains and issues caused due to the disorder of the neuromuscular system and health conditions caused by this derangement.
The doctor practicing Chiropractic medicine is called a Chiropractor.
Most Chiropractors have hands on treatment for neck pain, spondylitis, lumbar pain, spondylistis, pain in joints and headache.
Chiropractors are trained to diagnose give therapeutic advice, give the patient rehabilitative physio-therapeutical exercises and even help in a holistic way by making dietary changes to suit the patient according to his life style.
The patient is clinically examined, and the doctor advices laboratory test and other diagnostic methods like radiology and imaging to come to a proper diagnosis.
Since Chiropractic is a musculoskeletal system related practice of medicine, these doctors refer the respective patients to other system if the patient does not respond suitably and the condition requires further support from other system of medicine.
The history of this medical system traces its roots back to the ancient China and Greece.
Today widely practices as a system that gives importance to spine manipulation Chiropractic is practiced in many countries round the world.
These doctors promote non invasive methods and approach various ailments.
The degree of chiropractic requires 4 or 5 yrs of study with classroom, clinical practice as well a biochemistry and laboratory training and study.
Stressing on adjusting techniques and detailed spinal analysis a Chiropractor is proficient musculoskeletal disorder physician.
The therapeutic procedure includes manipulation of the spine that helps gain mobility of the joint.
In cases of injury, with dislocation, stress, positional and pain and sprain due to improper posture, a manipulation of the affected tissue or area helps restoring normalcy and the contraction experiences allowing a speedy recovery.
The chiropractic measures and procedures are not painful and if the patient experiences any mild soreness, it is just temporary and fades away within two days.