Get Online Bible School Training Courses Christian Apologetics Kids Youth - Online Bible Courses Tra
Get Online Bible School Training Courses Christian Apologetics Kids Youth - Online Bible Courses Training Christian Youths in Apologetics
In today's postmodern society, Christianity is being attacked from all sides. Young Christians are being brought up in an environment where scientists say that the Bible is unscientific, historians claim that the Bible is not a credible historical document, and philosophers argue that belief in God is unjustified and irrational. Are the critics correct? Is the Christian religion a relic of ancient times that can no longer be taken seriously? The future of Christianity depends on how the next generation of Christians will answer these questions. How they answer them will depend on which side provides them with stronger reasons. Christianity has always been a belief system based on evidence more than any other faith (just as the apostles Peter and John testified that they preached the gospel because they could not help but speak of what they had seen and heard; Acts 4:19-20), and the same is true today. There is no point in a religion based on falsehood. The apostle Paul said that if Christ was not really raised from the dead, Christian faith and preaching are useless! (1 Cor. 15:14) But can faith in Christ still be justified 2000 years later? Can we know if the words of the Bible are truthful? Does anything set Christianity apart from the many other religions of the world? These and many other questions are addressed through Christian apologetics.
What exactly is apologetics? It is the practice of offering a rational defense for the Christian faith. The term "apologetics" comes from 1 Peter 3:15, which says "Always be prepared to give an answer [apologia] to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." Apologists find the reasons behind our faith, and use them to "demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God," to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5). Christian Apologists defend the truths of the Christian faith, and seek to demonstrate that there are no valid objections to the Christian worldview. Apologists such as Norman Geisler and William Lane Craig have produced large amounts of such information that can be found in books and on Christian Apologetics Websites.
With diversity being one of our culture's highest values, apologetics is more important than ever before. Contrary to popular belief, truth is not determined by preference, and especially not when it comes to God. That is why it is so important to not only tell young Christians what is true about God, but also why it is true and how they can know. Educate For Life is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching Christian apologetics for youths. We are of the classical school of apologetics, and believe that rational arguments and solid evidence make faith in the God of the Bible justified. We provide apologetics training on a variety of topics through small, 20 student classes hosted in churches or homes of students. Our curriculum is always expanding, and soon we hope to offer fully online Bible courses. To enroll your child in one of our apologetics courses, visit our website, to see our current openings. By getting involved in Christian apologetics for kids, you can give your child a solid, enduring foundation in the truth, and join us in our mission to show the world that faith in is God reasonable.
In today's postmodern society, Christianity is being attacked from all sides. Young Christians are being brought up in an environment where scientists say that the Bible is unscientific, historians claim that the Bible is not a credible historical document, and philosophers argue that belief in God is unjustified and irrational. Are the critics correct? Is the Christian religion a relic of ancient times that can no longer be taken seriously? The future of Christianity depends on how the next generation of Christians will answer these questions. How they answer them will depend on which side provides them with stronger reasons. Christianity has always been a belief system based on evidence more than any other faith (just as the apostles Peter and John testified that they preached the gospel because they could not help but speak of what they had seen and heard; Acts 4:19-20), and the same is true today. There is no point in a religion based on falsehood. The apostle Paul said that if Christ was not really raised from the dead, Christian faith and preaching are useless! (1 Cor. 15:14) But can faith in Christ still be justified 2000 years later? Can we know if the words of the Bible are truthful? Does anything set Christianity apart from the many other religions of the world? These and many other questions are addressed through Christian apologetics.
What exactly is apologetics? It is the practice of offering a rational defense for the Christian faith. The term "apologetics" comes from 1 Peter 3:15, which says "Always be prepared to give an answer [apologia] to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." Apologists find the reasons behind our faith, and use them to "demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God," to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5). Christian Apologists defend the truths of the Christian faith, and seek to demonstrate that there are no valid objections to the Christian worldview. Apologists such as Norman Geisler and William Lane Craig have produced large amounts of such information that can be found in books and on Christian Apologetics Websites.
With diversity being one of our culture's highest values, apologetics is more important than ever before. Contrary to popular belief, truth is not determined by preference, and especially not when it comes to God. That is why it is so important to not only tell young Christians what is true about God, but also why it is true and how they can know. Educate For Life is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching Christian apologetics for youths. We are of the classical school of apologetics, and believe that rational arguments and solid evidence make faith in the God of the Bible justified. We provide apologetics training on a variety of topics through small, 20 student classes hosted in churches or homes of students. Our curriculum is always expanding, and soon we hope to offer fully online Bible courses. To enroll your child in one of our apologetics courses, visit our website, to see our current openings. By getting involved in Christian apologetics for kids, you can give your child a solid, enduring foundation in the truth, and join us in our mission to show the world that faith in is God reasonable.