Panic Attack Information - Learn the Basics, Face Your Fears
The symptoms are very much the same in all victims, only some are more severe than others might be.
A racing heart and difficulty breathing are much a part of the attack and these may come along with chills and heavy perspiration.
Unreasonable fear triggers a panic attack, so there are numerous situations that may be at the root cause.
All victims have a similar set of symptoms that are so real that many believe they are having a heart attack and facing imminent death.
These feelings come each time an attack occurs.
Becoming accustomed to the format of the attack occurs after several experiences, and this may lead a person to some amount of understanding about it.
That does not help with stopping the event from happening though, and victims simply wait in dread for the next attack to come.
Many people with panic disorders refuse to get help.
It is too painful for them to admit to others that they have a problem.
There are many types of help available for those who will seek it.
A doctor will prescribe medications and assist in locating a therapist to guide a victim to recovery.
Through behavioral therapy, victims learn there is nothing of which to be afraid.
Learning to Face Fear Every sufferer has to accept that, at some point in his or her life, it will be necessary to face the situations of which he or she is most afraid.
Through interoceptive exposure, fears are met and the victim learns to take charge.
Often, the exposure is to the very conditions that have brought on attacks at other times.
No one would describe a person in a panic attack as being relaxed, however that is the very thing that the victim must learn to do.
Practice in ways to relax while not under the influence of the attack builds a nucleus so the techniques may be used when needed.
Relaxation cannot be accomplished when a person has rapid or erratic breathing.
It is much more difficult to control the rapid heartbeat that accompanies the attack than it is to control breathing.
This is one reason that breathing techniques are so helpful, and controlled breathing can actually reduce the heart rate.
Social Disorders Related to Panic Panic attacks are associated with other disorders that have similar symptoms.
Reoccurring panic leads people to think they are losing their minds.
Panic, in any social disorder, stems from high anxiety, whether it has any basis or not.
Post traumatic stress disorder is closely related to panic attacks, only it is based on a real life-changing event.
The origin of this disorder is often some horrific event that happened, either directly to the person, or was one which the person saw taking place.
The event that begins the trauma can also be from a huge personal loss such as a friend or family member.
OCD stands for obsessive-compulsive disorder, which may have been the problem of the famous Howard Hughes.
The person who has this will form rituals that he or she feels must be done repeatedly to relieve stress.
Anyone suffering from an anxiety disorder of any kind should seek treatment from a professional for a better quality of life and freedom from the complications associated with panic attacks.