How to Apply for the Hope Grant in Georgia
- 1). Confirm that you graduated from high school in 1993 or later. Keep in mind that you must also be a legal resident of Georgia who earned a B average while in high school. Comply with the Georgia Drug-Free Postsecondary Education Act of 1990 by not partaking of illegal substances. Make sure that you are paid up in your student loans. Note that if you graduated from high school before 1993, you might still be eligible to receive the grant if you don't already have your bachelor's degree and haven't already taken 190 college quarter or 127 semester hours.
- 2). Apply to and attend a public or private Georgia college or university. Refer to the "List of Georgia Schools Eligible to Receive a Hope Grant" link in the R esources section of this article to find a list of eligible colleges and universities.
- 3). Log in into the Georgia Student Financial Aid Application System (GSFAPPS) website (see Resources). Provide your name, date of birth and Social Security number then click "Continue" to access the online application.
- 4). Contact the financial aid office at the technical college you attend. Ask an office clerk to give you a hard copy of the application that you can complete and return. Keep in mind that you can also refer to "Hope Grant Application" in the Resources section of this article to download an electronic application. Provide your name, mailing address, parents' names and information and the name of the college or university that you are attending. Mail your completed application to Georgia Student Finance Commission, 2082 E. Exchange Place, Tucker, Georgia 30084.