What Panama Has To Offer - 14 April, 2011
Panama has a variety of locations, surely enough to satisfy just about anyone. Of course, there are plenty of waterfront properties, with water on both the north and south of the country. However, there are also locations available near major cities, in the suburbs, and out in the country. The mountains of Cordillera de Talamanca form a beautiful, rugged backdrop to the lower coastal regions, and the lower foothills of the mountains are another location where purchasers of Panama properties may choose to search.
Panama offers all the amenities that ex-pats from any country could wish for. Panama has low crime, a good health care system, and a thriving economy, even now. This draws retirees from all over the world who want many of the benefits of living at home, but with a better weather forecast. Shopping centres and supermarkets abound. They have everything from budget-prices for staple items to exclusive high-street fashions. High-speed internet is available, and in most places, the service is better than even in the United States. Telephone and television are also available, with good service and reasonable prices.
Panama"s infrastructure is first-class, with good roads, public transportation, and a variety of seagoing vessels for both business and pleasure. Panama City can be difficult to drive in, but the public transportation there is very good and first-time visitors can familiarise themselves with the city by taking some bus routes. Panama City also offers cross-country buses that will whisk people in luxury to almost anywhere in the country. For those looking for property for sale in Panama, this is a comfortable, low-cost way to compare various areas of the country before determining where to settle.
Panama offers many benefits to retirees. With a proven monthly income of $500 or more, a health certificate and a police report, retirees can qualify for big discounts on hotel stays, restaurant meals, and medical services. Panama has a lot to offer, and buying property in Panama is a great first step to enjoying all that the country can show its residents.