3 Things You Must Keep In Mind If You Want To Build a Bigger, More Satisfying Penis
I went from a puny 5.
5 inches to very well endowed and I did it without the use of pills, pumps, or surgery.
Although I'm not a dumb guy, I'm not a particularly smart guy either -- I'm in the middle.
My point is that if I can do it, anyone can do it.
And when you build a bigger, thicker penis that satisfies the women much more easily, your overall self-confidence and your entire outlook on life will skyrocket.
Here are three things you must keep in mind if you want to build a bigger, more satisfying penis.
Diet and exercise matter! Granted, the penis is not a muscle like your biceps or your quads and calves.
It is an organ made up of ligaments, tissues, and blood vessels.
You don't work it out the same way you do these other muscles, but diet and exercise are still important.
Here is why.
Part of your penile length is obscured by a "fat pad" which covers your pubic bone.
The higher your bodyfat percentage, the thicker that fat pad will be and the more of your penile length will be concealed.
If you lose 30 pounds of pure fat, you can count on having as much as a half-inch more of your penis exposed and usable! 2.
Overtraining is your enemy.
When you first start exercising your penis, there is a good chance you'll see gains within the first week or two.
I know I did.
My erection quality improved within the first week and I saw noticeable size differences by the end of week two.
Obviously, I was pretty pumped up about it, if you'll pardon the pun.
I'm guessing you will be too when you start seeing your penis get bigger.
The trap you don't want to fall into is the trap of getting sucked into how awesome your gains are and thinking that if you just increase the time and intensity of your "workouts" you can get even bigger gains, even faster.
Actually, the opposite is true.
You need your rest days just as much as you need your "exercise" days.
Rest is actually when your body, including your penis, does its growing.
My rule of thumb when I was enlarging my penis was to never work it out more than two days in a row, and also to never exceed 15 minutes per day for my training.
I went from 5.
5 inches to well hung using these philosophies, so obviously the volume of training I did was plenty.
Stick to basic, gentile exercises using your hands.
This isn't the NFL or the Olympics.
You don't have to put your body through pain to make gains.
Dangerous exercises that should be avoided include hanging, stretching your shaft using any device other than just your hands, using a pump unless you have a legitimate medical reason (such as erectile dysfunction with a physical cause), and of course, using penis enlargement pills or other supplements that are not regulated by the FDA.
In addition to not performing dangerous exercises, you shouldn't even have to "tire out" your penis to achieve success.
A good rule of thumb I always used is that if my penis was too "worn out" for quality sex after a workout, I had done too much.
Remember, 6-10 minutes of exercise per day, 3-4 days per week (with no more than 2 consecutive days without a day off) is plenty, and you should never attempt any dangerous maneuvers that involve pumps, stretchers, or hanging devices.