How You Can Get A Bad Credit Auto Loan
Maybe your credit is so bad that an auto dealer might question it even if you offered cash for the whole deal.
But one thing that people do not realize is that it is entirely possible, even likely, that you can get an auto loan even if you have bad credit.
One of the things you need to understand up front is that you are probably going to end up paying a higher interest rate than you would if your credit was sterling and shiny.
But if your credit problems are behind you and you are now looking to start over, an auto loan is a great place to establish your credit, since it is typically a big ticket item, and payments made on time will go a long ways towards re-establishing your credit worthiness.
The financial market has a multitude of lending institutions that are designed for people with bad credit.
Those companies are probably not the best choice for people with good credit, since they can get a good deal almost anywhere, but we will not worry about that for now.
The thing that these lenders are most interested in is whether or not you have enough income to cover your current bills, and if so, do you still have enough income to make your payments on this auto loan.
Some of these lenders will require a down payment that is higher than it would normally be.
The thought process behind this is that you have some of your personal money invested in the car, and with that being the case, you have even more incentive to keep up with your payments and not allow the car to be repossessed.
One of the tricks of the trade is to get pre-approved for an auto loan prior to even going into the dealership to look around.
If the dealership knows that you are already pre-approved, you have a significant advantage because you can now go to ANY dealership to make your purchase if they do not cut you the best possible deal.
When you are shopping for something like a new car, even bit of advantage you can have is goodness.
The first place you should consider looking is of course online.
There are many places with trained financial professionals who represent many different lenders, and their specialty is working with people who have bad credit.
These people know which lenders are going to be able to offer your best package for a bad credit auto loan, and will work with your individual and specific situation to arrange a package.
One of the things you should consider is getting copies of your credit report from the three major credit bureaus and start disputing items to improve your credit score.
The burden of proof is on the credit bureau to prove that a negative item is true and belongs on your credit report.
Please visit our web site for more information about steps you can take to Improve Your Credit Score.
The bottom is to not give up on your dreams of having a new car just because you have bad credit.
The price you will pay for your bad credit is a higher interest rate, perhaps a larger down payment, but you can get approved.
After you do get approved for your bad credit auto loan, be sure to make each and every payment on time so that this can also serve to re-establish your credit score.