Divorce Considerations - What You Should Know
Thus, here are a couple of things that you should know: Money Hire the services of a financial planner.
A financial planner is a professional who can help you out with your previous and current expenses and financial status.
A few reminders would be for you to ensure that all your assets are liquid, consider traveler's checks, issue a freeze on the joint credit and bank accounts, separate your own individual assets, and get on with the essential repairs on your car.
Support As covered by your spouse's insurance, have all the pertinent checkups done to you and your children and you can request to have you or your children as the beneficiary of your spouse's insurance.
Social Security and Retirement Have the pensions available as a divorce settlement benefit, if in case you have been married for around 10 years or so, you get the right to half of your spouse's pension, children under 18 years old are rightful to benefit from the pension and should your spouse die, you also avail of the same benefit if you have been together for at least 10 years.
Assets and Properties Consult a professional to get a picture of your holdings and assets.
Liens and Taxes Check out your tax status with the respective departments.
Be sure to have anything settled before the final decision on divorce is done.
Records and Documents They can disappear one at a time during the course of the divorce proceedings so it would be best to keep a backup.