An Approach to Seva Yoga
People who conduct Yoga for the welfare of mankind are called sevaks and their work is called Seva i.
Seva Yoga is a blessing in disguise.
The joy and happiness you get by offering your love and affection to another human being becomes a blessing for you.
Most people have their first experience of yoga by joining a yoga class and practice all the asana.
When we begin yoga, it is often the physical body that is the centre of interest and priority.
Hence yoga classes are oriented around the physical practices of asana and pranayama.
We approach these practices with the understanding that they are going to be beneficial for the body.
However, as we progress in yoga, we realize that the benefits from the practices are not restricted to the physical body alone.
Seva yoga is usually described as service in Sanskrit.
Many times during the practice of yoga we are asked to do tasks that are not in accordance with our way of thinking or behaving.
Similarly, during the practice of seva yoga, we experience and confront those same sensations and reactions, except this time in the mind.
These moments of internal friction and resistance caused by the reactions of like and dislike can be transforming, in exactly the same way as resistance and tension in physical postures.
It is in these moments that we can actively work towards purification of the mind, by remaining aware of the responses within us and yet still doing our best to act appropriately.
Usually when confronted with an unpleasant experience or circumstance, such as a painful sensation in the body, or a painful emotional reaction during yoga, the reaction is aversion.
The pain in the body becomes more intense, the feelings and emotions become more intense.
In the practice of asana, we learn how different conditions have different effects upon the body, and how to adjust accordingly, so there is minimal tension and conflict.
The way the body performs a posture at 5.
30 am on a cold winter morning is not the same way it performs the asana at 5.
30 pm on a warm afternoon.
Ashram life provides the conditions and circumstances over which there is no control.
Through repeated practice of this one can become aware of all the facets of the personality and begin to surrender those patterns and identifications that are no longer helpful.
Regular practice of seva yoga generates an inner immunity to external factors so that the challenging and confronting situations in life can be faced with ease.
Seva Yoga is a blessing in disguise.
The joy and happiness you get by offering your love and affection to another human being becomes a blessing for you.
Most people have their first experience of yoga by joining a yoga class and practice all the asana.
When we begin yoga, it is often the physical body that is the centre of interest and priority.
Hence yoga classes are oriented around the physical practices of asana and pranayama.
We approach these practices with the understanding that they are going to be beneficial for the body.
However, as we progress in yoga, we realize that the benefits from the practices are not restricted to the physical body alone.
Seva yoga is usually described as service in Sanskrit.
Many times during the practice of yoga we are asked to do tasks that are not in accordance with our way of thinking or behaving.
Similarly, during the practice of seva yoga, we experience and confront those same sensations and reactions, except this time in the mind.
These moments of internal friction and resistance caused by the reactions of like and dislike can be transforming, in exactly the same way as resistance and tension in physical postures.
It is in these moments that we can actively work towards purification of the mind, by remaining aware of the responses within us and yet still doing our best to act appropriately.
Usually when confronted with an unpleasant experience or circumstance, such as a painful sensation in the body, or a painful emotional reaction during yoga, the reaction is aversion.
The pain in the body becomes more intense, the feelings and emotions become more intense.
In the practice of asana, we learn how different conditions have different effects upon the body, and how to adjust accordingly, so there is minimal tension and conflict.
The way the body performs a posture at 5.
30 am on a cold winter morning is not the same way it performs the asana at 5.
30 pm on a warm afternoon.
Ashram life provides the conditions and circumstances over which there is no control.
Through repeated practice of this one can become aware of all the facets of the personality and begin to surrender those patterns and identifications that are no longer helpful.
Regular practice of seva yoga generates an inner immunity to external factors so that the challenging and confronting situations in life can be faced with ease.