The Slaughter in Arizona
The first thing that concerned me was how the press would cover the story.
Of course I felt for the victims, but I knew that our biased press would cover the story in a way that would create many more victims, and I was right.
The day of the shooting when the shooters identity was not even know he was being called a Tea Bagger or supporter of conservative causes.
This turns out not to be true, but millions have already been influenced by this bogus reporting and had their small minds made up for them.
Then the incident was blamed on negative political rhetoric and conservatives were blamed for being the offenders.
The truth is that political rhetoric comes from both sides and any intelligent rational person knows that.
The problem is that many people have given up their decision making to opinion anchors and news people.
They don't even know how they feel about any particular issue until they have watched O'Reilly or Hannity, or Mathews, or Olberman.
A free people need the ability to think freely and formulate opinions about events freely and based on their own personal experiences.
They need to have learned the difference between right and wrong and they need to have learned how to process information.
Unfortunately, what has become known as the "dumbing down" of America is finally beginning to show signs of manifestation in our society.
Americans as a whole really have been dumbed down by decades of bad schooling.
Wealth is another element required for freedom.
Without wealth, you are not free and nothing good comes from poverty.
The young assassin who shot those people in Tucson had been on food stamps and welfare and was an outcast in society.
You can prevent poverty, it is a choice.
And even if you don't consider yourself poor, if you don't consider yourself financially independent you are still working for money every day just to make ends meet.
I found financial independence in oil trading and now I do it safely and predictably every morning for about thirty minutes.
I won't go so far as to say that if the shooter had been financially independent from he would not have committed these atrocities, but I am saying that the chances of him behaving in this manner if he had a sure way to financial freedom is far less likely.
Find a way for yourself and for all your loved ones and neighbors to become financially free and experience life in a brand new way.
Oil trading is just one way, there are many other ways, but if you don't start looking you will never find your way to financial freedom.