Get Whiter Teeth! Follow These Tips And Tricks!
Have you considered trying a whitening toothpaste? While they may not be effective as a standalone method of teeth whitening, they prevent new stains. These toothpastes use a silica abrasive. This is a stain fighter that doesn't harm the outer enamel of the teeth.
Pregnant women should not use teeth whitening products of any kind. Teeth whitening products contain strong chemicals that can damage your unborn child. Whitening toothpastes are the only whitening products that should be okay to use during pregnancy, but even they may cause problems so be sure to talk to your doctor about it.
A common misconception is the notion that hydrogen peroxide can be safely used as a tooth whitening method. It is not just an unsafe thing to use, it also can cause the teeth to become discolored. This can result in them being two different colors as well. Keep away from things that have peroxide in them.
After having your teeth whitened, abstain from any colored beverages for three or four days. During this time your teeth might absorb extra colors, such as those from fruit or dark drinks like tea and coffee.
Oranges and other citrus-based fruits should be avoided if you want to keep the sparkle in your smile. Don't drink citrus juice either, because this type of juice is bad for your teeth. Citrus products have acid, which can harm your teeth. Especially avoid these foods if you have a history of acid reflux disease. This disease can have pronounced effects on the whiteness of your teeth.
Dark food particles can stain your teeth. Sugar free gum is a beneficial way to help eliminate food particles and reduce the stains on your teeth.
When drinking a liquid that has stain causing ingredients, you should drink water right after to make sure you get a whiter smile. Darker drinks, such as coffee or tea, have pigments that can stain your teeth. Drinking water immediately after drinking these dark drinks helps to prevent stains from forming on your teeth. Other tricks include using a straw to drink or adding whole milk to your coffee or tea.
A dental professional can obtain higher quality results than when you use over the counter products. While this method carries a heftier price tag than other solutions, it produces faster, immediate results.
Once you have whitened your teeth, take care in your selection of food and drink. Your teeth are particularly vulnerable to staining or discoloration immediately after a whitening session. It's best to avoid dark colored foods and drinks after your whitening session. For example, coffee and red wine will both cause a color difference in your teeth.
If you are getting braces soon, you should plan on whitening your teeth. If you do this, your teeth will be whiter when the braces are taken off, not just straighter. You will be extremely pleased with your straighter, brighter smile!
Your dentist is a good source of information about which home teeth whitening products do their job with the least side effects. Your dentist can also advise you on which treatment will give you the best results.
Now that you've read these tips, are you ready to hear people say that YOUR smile is perfect? When you've whitened your teeth, people will respect you as a different person than you were before. Apply the tips you read in this article today to start on the road to respect!