How to Maintain Stone Homes
- 1). Mop the stone floors using a natural stone soap; you won't need to dry the soap and residue away after mopping. Use a soap that contains linseed oil; it will leave an invisible procective film.
- 2). Remove any stains from the floor using a powder-based stain remover that is mixed with water. Apply the mixed paste to the stain, cover it with plastic wrap, and let it set for one to two days.
- 3). Apply an impregnating sealant to the stone floor that will block water and oil from getting into the floor. Pour the sealent one puddle at a time, wait 10 minutes for it to cure, and bush the excess sealent away with a soft brush.
- 4). Place barrier mats outside or inside the doors. This will allow you to wipe and remove any stones and grit from your feet, which will scratch the stone surface when you walk across it.
- 5). Trim away any plants like saplings and vines that have started growing within the walls, aiming your shears at the spots where their roots and stems meet. Avoid pulling them out since this can disrupt the wall.
- 6). Wash off the walls with a hose and a pressure nozzle. Sart at the top of the wall, and work your way down, keeping the high-pressure stream in constant motion to avoid damaging the stones.
- 7). Replace any stones that have fallen out of the walls. Chip away the mortar/cement if it is already chipping away. Mix fresh cement according to the product instructions, apply the cement to the stones with a trowel, and place them within the wall.