4 Steps to Write Your First Article - Article Writing Help
Article writing is an art.
If you are writing your first article, what steps you will take, what point you will think, how would you get an idea to write articles on it, Article writing is a process or flow of thoughts, and how would you arrange those thoughts? Here are few quick steps to write your first article: Research your topic: you need to decide the topic on which you are going to write, for example, if you are writing on books, book attributes can be your subject to write on.
If you are not familiar with your subject, you should look for more information on it through your research.
Research can do online with help of search engines or you can ask question offline as well if you personally know any expert on that topic.
Some people even hire professional to give depth knowledge on a particular subject.
Keyword Research: Keyword research is very important part for article writing.
If you are writing article for marketing or promoting any product or service, you should properly research keywords.
You can do this with any free keyword research tool like Google external keyword tool, or keyword tracker tool.
Make sure your keyword should be user friendly as well.
Optimize your article: article optimization is the key in writing articles.
Your main keyword should appeal in your title, first paragraph of your article, last paragraph of your article, and you should use that keyword in the article body as well.
Make sure you do notuse a keyword more than 2% density; this is the maximum limit of top article directories, if you use a keyword more than 2% density, and the more chance will be increased for rejection of your article.
The More you write, the more you learn: Writing article is an art, and if you want to master in this art, you need to do lots of practice on the daily basis.
Every article gives you more knowledge and experience in writing your next article.
As you start writing you will learn a lot hot to write better articles on any topic.
If you are writing your first article, what steps you will take, what point you will think, how would you get an idea to write articles on it, Article writing is a process or flow of thoughts, and how would you arrange those thoughts? Here are few quick steps to write your first article: Research your topic: you need to decide the topic on which you are going to write, for example, if you are writing on books, book attributes can be your subject to write on.
If you are not familiar with your subject, you should look for more information on it through your research.
Research can do online with help of search engines or you can ask question offline as well if you personally know any expert on that topic.
Some people even hire professional to give depth knowledge on a particular subject.
Keyword Research: Keyword research is very important part for article writing.
If you are writing article for marketing or promoting any product or service, you should properly research keywords.
You can do this with any free keyword research tool like Google external keyword tool, or keyword tracker tool.
Make sure your keyword should be user friendly as well.
Optimize your article: article optimization is the key in writing articles.
Your main keyword should appeal in your title, first paragraph of your article, last paragraph of your article, and you should use that keyword in the article body as well.
Make sure you do notuse a keyword more than 2% density; this is the maximum limit of top article directories, if you use a keyword more than 2% density, and the more chance will be increased for rejection of your article.
The More you write, the more you learn: Writing article is an art, and if you want to master in this art, you need to do lots of practice on the daily basis.
Every article gives you more knowledge and experience in writing your next article.
As you start writing you will learn a lot hot to write better articles on any topic.