Benefit Event Scheduling Ideas - Maximize Your Auction
It's amazing what a difference in scheduling will make to the success of a benefit auction.
By arranging your program based on the style of event you are holding, you can raise even more money for your worthy cause.
If you are holding a fundraising event during the daytime, it's a good idea to have your benefit and charity auctioneer go on during and near the end of the lunch break.
This is the time when the most people will be gathered at the exact same place and will be more attentive to what is being said.
At other times, they will be milling about talking amongst themselves and it's harder to get everyone's attention.
If scheduled this way, people will stay through the fundraiser to watch the main entertainment after lunch.
When holding fundraising events at night, the same principle applies.
Whenever possible, if you are hosting a gala dinner as part of the evening's events, you should try to have the live auction occur during dinner, after the meal is served but before dessert.
Again this is when most people will be in attendance, which will make it easier to gain their full attention.
Having your audience's focus is very important to achieve the best outcome.
Once the live auction is complete, you can follow that with your headline entertainment, which is basically a little reward for having stayed around and participated in the live auction.
So when you are planning your next benefit auction, be sure to schedule the events to gain maximum participation and audience focus.
This will ensure your event raises the most money it can and provides a well organized fundraiser.
By arranging your program based on the style of event you are holding, you can raise even more money for your worthy cause.
If you are holding a fundraising event during the daytime, it's a good idea to have your benefit and charity auctioneer go on during and near the end of the lunch break.
This is the time when the most people will be gathered at the exact same place and will be more attentive to what is being said.
At other times, they will be milling about talking amongst themselves and it's harder to get everyone's attention.
If scheduled this way, people will stay through the fundraiser to watch the main entertainment after lunch.
When holding fundraising events at night, the same principle applies.
Whenever possible, if you are hosting a gala dinner as part of the evening's events, you should try to have the live auction occur during dinner, after the meal is served but before dessert.
Again this is when most people will be in attendance, which will make it easier to gain their full attention.
Having your audience's focus is very important to achieve the best outcome.
Once the live auction is complete, you can follow that with your headline entertainment, which is basically a little reward for having stayed around and participated in the live auction.
So when you are planning your next benefit auction, be sure to schedule the events to gain maximum participation and audience focus.
This will ensure your event raises the most money it can and provides a well organized fundraiser.