Removal of Bonded Asbestos
- 1). Identify the type of asbestos you are dealing with. Friable asbestos is a form of the mineral that can be pulverized when dry. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has different regulations for two categories of nonfriable asbestos-containing materials. Category I includes nonfriable asbestos-containing materials, such as gaskets, packings and asphalt roofing products with more than 1% asbestos. Category II materials cannot be crumbled when dry and contain more than 1% asbestos. Due to the nature of asbestos, nonfriable products in both categories can become friable.
- 2). Wear disposable coveralls and a respirator or particle mask when working with asbestos. Close all windows and doors if asbestos removal is occurring outside the building. Remove asbestos-containing materials with minimal breakage without the use of power tools except when removing screws or fastenings. Make sure to keep bonded asbestos wet during removal and prior to transport to avoid particles from being released into the air.
- 3). Wrap the asbestos-containing materials in heavy plastic, greater than 200-micron thick, making sure to seal the package with duct tape and clearly label the contents. You can also place asbestos materials in a plastic-lined bin provided by an EPA-licensed waste transporter. Locate a landfill complying with EPA standards. Recycling centers that crush, sand, or break down asbestos-containing materials are barred by the EPA.