Hoot - Children-Youth Fiction Book Review
The setting for this mystery-fiction tale takes place in the state of Florida, USA.
The main character, Roy, has moved regularly with his family and he is used to being the new kid in schools and neighborhoods.
His previous experience helps him make new friends and ward off a big bully who singles him by stalking and harassing Roy.
This new life seems like just another cycle to Roy until he witnesses a very strange event that leads Roy and his friends on a whirlwind adventure.
Young boys and girls find themselves taking on something greater than their selves or their small worlds - the very definition of a hero.
Saving a few members of an endangered species from greedy building contractors is an issue dear to my heart.
I not only loved the environmental theme but truly feel the author deserves praises for creating such intelligent, well-spoken characters - especially Roy, Beatrice and the mystery boy.
I was impressed by Roy's speech about schools teaching youth how ordinary individuals became a part of positive change in the world simply by doing what they believed in - which was very moving and is something teachers and parents alike will appreciate.
Two of the kids in this book have a difficult home life and the awareness of how hard life is for some, may bring some discussion into classes and families.
Author Carl Hiaasen depicts a character without describing in minute detail - thus leaving the imagination of the reader to determine how a character looks.
Forgivable flaws in individual characters are made so by being so human - such as the policeman who makes some serious, yet understandable, blunders.
I would recommend Hoot by Carl Hiaasen anywhere, anytime! This is a fantastic tale that youth between the ages of 7 to 13 would relate very easily to, though I believe the range of readers Hoot would appeal to would be much wider than this.
I, for one, am nearly 37 and I truly enjoyed doing this review project! Publisher: Yearling ISBN: 0-440-41939-5